What is love for you?

  1. I should be able to tell them anything and not be judged. They should be genuinely happy to be with me. I should be carefree when around them. The thought of that person just being beside me should give me comfort.

  2. You smile when you think of them, when you see them you feel pure elation. And the time when you don’t see them or hear from them feels like eternity.

  3. Being able to fully trust the person is probably one of the biggest aspects imo, you cant have love without trust

  4. Seen her smile every single fucking time a get out the car when I get home

  5. Wanting the genuine best for another person even if it contradicts what you want

  6. Not unconditional, I don’t think that kinda love is real love. Like, if she fucks another dude, I’m gone. If she stopped putting in the effort, I’m gone. If she steals some of my money, I’m gone. Etc. Love is, for me, respecting one another and supporting one another, being loyal, devotion, etc.

  7. Being 100% comfortable with them, missing them when you’re not together, feeling you can talk about anything with them, where their feelings and happiness means more to you than your own

  8. Their company is equal to my solitude, where being with them feels like home and I can feel comfortable lowering my guard/walls around them, and for me (and possibly other autistic peeps) no longer needing to mask around them

  9. No judgement. Cuddles. Feels home. You are yourself around them. Feel safe and trust them with your life.

  10. Love is a way of feeling, oh
    Love is a way of feeling less alone (insert music note here)

  11. Some say its a chemical reaction or a feeling but its non of it. Love is a choice that you do everyday by beeing and carying for someone without trying to change them. Love is a choice to be with someone by accepting them for who they are not for who you want them to be.

  12. I don’t think I have felt real love yet, but based on my experiences I know what it isn’t.

    It isn’t anxiety when they are not around

    It isn’t lack of communication

    It isn’t constant thought of “do they like me or do they don’t “

    It isn’t slowing things down every time you raise your concerns

    It isn’t all sunshine and butterflies

    It isn’t you being consumed by the thought of them all day, every day

    It isn’t you walking on egg shells

    It isn’t you losing your self-respect just to make them stay

  13. Basically, a respect from a place of mutualism ( rather than transactional ) and the willing to express redamancy in the relationship. Love is also contextual and in proportion to the level of intimacy in the given relationship (eg the love of a parent to their child is different than that of casual lovers). It also has the connotation that I have to be my best version of me to enable the other person to be able to actualize the best version of who they are (such as respecting the other person’s boundaries when presented).

  14. Watching my beautiful girlfriend become even more beautiful when eating something she enjoys, smiling and being happy with little things of life.

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