m16 here some context i go to a smaller school and it’s different to regular school i have one class in the morning from 9 to 10 am and i usually leave after that cuz my i can’t help staying there with all the people even tho there’s like no one there sometimes but last semester i was in a class that was at 1 to 2 pm and it was a pretty small class there was only like 5 people in the class and one of them caught my eye and ig ever since i’ve wanted to talk to them and see what happens but now i never see them because i’m guessing their class after mine and we get a hour break in between them and like i said i leave right after my class because i can’t stay their without my social anxiety making me feel like im being watched also

idk why i’m telling you this but when i was in grade 8 2019 i liked this girl and back then ig u could say my social anxiety wasn’t too bad so i was actually going to but the night i was gonna talk to her at a halloween party but my friend was being an asshole and kept going up to here and telling her i was gonna talk to her and stuff so i didn’t talk to her until 2021 because i overthinked that fuck out if it and thought she wouldn’t say anything which she didn’t say anything to me when i said hi which i don’t blame her for but from oct 2019 till April 2022 i was basically obsessed with her i thought abt her every single day until i finally said fuck her and moved on

back to the present i’ve posted on here before abt this but it was when i was confident i was gonna actually say something to her but that was in jan it’s march now it’s like sure i could wait around after my class to talk to her but i feel like that would be creepy and weird and there’s people everywhere during that time and ion wanna do it in front of people and i’m scared she’s gonna do the same thing my old crush did even tho she probably doesn’t even know i exist idk there’s so much i overthink abt i hate it so much i low-key hate my life it not even just because of this it’s because i let my anxiety make all my decisions i mind can’t take risks i wanna take risks but when they are there i can’t force myself to go thru with it

i’m sorry i’m just rambling but literally i’ve told no one abt it because i told everyone how i felt abt my old crush and i felt it made me like i was never going to talk to her but i did it and my overthinking was right and i wanna talk to this girl because i had hope and i still have a tiny bit of hope left

ig i want advice but also just wanted to get this stupid shit off my mind thanks for reading if you did i actually really appreciate it

1 comment
  1. I can understand how challenging it can be to approach someone you have a crush on, especially when you struggle with social anxiety and tend to overthink things.

    It’s important to remember that rejection is a natural part of life, and it doesn’t define your worth as a person. It’s okay to take risks and put yourself out there, even if it feels uncomfortable or scary.

    One approach you could try is gradually building up your confidence by engaging in small conversations with the person you have a crush on. You don’t have to pour your heart out to them right away, but rather try to find common interests or topics to discuss. You could also consider asking them to hang out with you and some mutual friends in a group setting.

    Remember that you can’t control how someone else will respond to you, but you can control how you respond to their reaction. It’s important to maintain a positive attitude and keep an open mind, regardless of the outcome. Most importantly, be kind to yourself and take care of your mental health. Anxiety sucks but with patience and work, you can overcome it 🙂

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