I’m a 21 year old guy that recently finished finished school and is now working but I what to find that a girl that I will love and she will love me but I have never had a girlfriend or dated before and also I’m an introvert. So I don’t know how to meet people or what to do when a girl says yes to going out. What advice do you have or what should I do? Thanks.

P.s. Dating apps don’t work.

  1. I agree dating apps are shit. Start with meeting people in general. Small talk with cashiers, random people walking down the street, etc. You will overtime gain skills in making conversation and getting to know people. Tips: ask people about their hopes, dreams, worries, etc. Ask about their opinions. People love to give their opinions (#reddit lol). Give compliments freely, without expecting anything in return. People, generally, love compliments. Second, go to places where single women looking for guys tend to congregate such as bars, clubs, dance classes. Third go to places where women tend to congreate but not looking for guys per se but might be open to small talk such as yoga classes, spin classes, dance aerobics classes, the mall, etc. There’s no guarantee any of us find their “soul mate” any time soon, but it becomes far more likely the more we meet single women, initiate, and ask.

  2. Go out with your friends, and explore places on your own. It would help to know what type of woman you’d like to meet, her interests etc. too as this can help you go into those areas.

    You’re going to have get uncomfortable first before you’ll start to feel comfortable, so don’t put pressure on yourself, enjoy the journey and meeting new people.

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