Mine does a thing where she’ll wash the dishes, but rather than put the cutlery in the special cutlery drying section of the drying apparatus, instead she just sort of leaves them on the side in a pile.

What do you experience? Strange bathroom habits? Weird ways of cooking?

  1. We have a spoon holder next to the kettle. After making a coffee I rinse and dry the spoon and then place it on the holder.

    My wife however doesn’t, she just dumps it wet on the holder, which in itself is fine, no problem with it.

    The weird bit is if I don’t see it, and clean off the residue, she then seems to get the hump that the spoon holder and spoon is sticky and gross from the combination of milk and sugar slowly evaporating, staining the holder and spoon.

  2. Mine will leave dirty crockery on top of the dishwasher rather than put it inside. But when I put the dirty crockery inside the dishwasher, he’ll open it, tut loudly, and rearrange the entire contents, muttering about ‘efficiency’ the whole time.

    It drives me spare!

  3. She starts a conversation in her head only to verbalise the last couple of words. THEN she gets annoyed when I ask her to repeat what she’s just said or don’t just read her mind.

  4. My wife likes to clean as she cooks , I like to cook then clean as I can only focus on one thing at a time , she’ll often come in and tut at me whilst I’m halfway through making dinner, pans on the hob , chopping veg whilst stirring gravy.
    Even though she has seen it happen she still asks why I don’t clean up as I go , and I try to explain if I start picking up the one piece of potato skin I dropped on the floor whilst peeling , then I notice the cat food needs sweeping up near the bowls, then I start wiping that smudge on the skirting board and Boom – the tatties are over boiling on the hob and the mince and onions are burning in the pan .

  5. After making a sandwich, my wife would leave the buttery knife on the worktop rather than put it into the already empty dishwasher.

    Not the biggest gripe in the world, but grinds my gears.

  6. We have a recycling box for glass, plastic, tins and cardboard. We put the glass/plastic bottles and tins next to the sink to rinse out before we put them in the recycling box. But for some reason she puts the cardboard next to the sink as well instead of straight into the box….

  7. We all have annoying habits. My better half hums, has a terrible sense of direction and will wait until we are out of something to then tell me we need it from the shops (I do the shopping/cooking in our house). I’m pleased she’s not on Reddit as I’m sure her list for me would be a lengthy essay and no doubt win all kind of awards!

  8. We have two bins in the kitchen. One for general waste, one for recycling and yet she still insists on hanging a carrier bag of the back door handle to use as a recycling bin.

  9. So many… to give you the top 3 triggers:
    – We have 2 EXPENSIVE laundry bins that she wanted. 90% of the time she will put laundry on top of the bin instead of actually in it.
    – Stacks glasses upside down in the dishwasher, I can only assume she’s trying to send me into madness. EDIT: or “right way up” depending on perspective… I meant the way where the glass is full of dishwasher water at the end anyhow)
    – She eats everything with a teaspoon and uses a bowl for every meal… even if it’s something like jacket potato

    If you need me, I’ll be having a nervous breakdown in the corner

  10. She likes to dig butter out of the dish, which leaves holes in the butter. I like a smooth butter surface that i can scrape a layer of butter off, so as she stabs out chunks of butter when making something, I fill them in when I make something. Not sure which of us is more nuts tbh.

  11. He doesn’t have pjs. He just has home clothes and sleeps in them too. I could never do that

  12. My spouse scrunches, rather than folds, the toilet paper. This toilet paper is also retrieved from the loo roll which is typically hung in the “under” configuration, rather than the “over” configuration the way god, and more importantly, the patent application, intended.

    I learnt this only after 2 years of marriage and having moved to the other side of the world.

  13. Puts the butter, in its wrapper, in the butter dish. Claims this is how it’s meant to be done.

    The whole point of a butter dish is to stop the butter being mashed into the wrapper…

  14. My wife has a habit of holding me personally accountable for ‘my’ actions in her dreams

  15. My misses, when cutting potatoes to boil or roast, always pops a freshly cut half in her mouth and gleefully munches away like it ‘ain’t no thing.

  16. I can tell that my wife never played Tetris by the way that she loads the dishwasher. Sometimes I look at it & just wonder what she was thinking.

    I get revenge by leaving my socks on the floor.

  17. She doesn’t wet the toothbrush when brushing her teeth. She’ll rinse it after, but for the activity itself she just picks it up, puts toothpaste on, and goes at it dry. I’ve tried telling her to wet it, but she “doesn’t see the point”.

    She also sleeps with her eyes open. I guess she can’t help it, but I have to sleep with my back to her because seeing it freaks me out too much!

  18. He will talk during an important bit on the telly, like when you’re just about to find out who killed the victim in Unforgotten. And it’s not just a “when I was young this mildly interesting thing happened”, it’s a full on out loud trying to pinpoint the exact date as in “Now, in 1987, and I remember it was 1987 as we were living in Avenue Road at the time, and it must have been May or June because I had 3 pubic hairs at the time, but Mr Tiddles was still alive, he got hit by a milk truck early one morning in July, and I remember that because it was one of the only times Mrs Smith from across the street wore flip-flops as she usually wore those bootie slippers and she was the one who found Mr Tiddles when she went out to lift in her usual 3 pints of silver top and her monthly hazelnut yogurt. Anyway, that May or June I found the missing sword from my He-man figure under the bathroom mat, which was strange because he lost a fight with the lawnmower the month before! So actually it must have been June because I was supposed to mow the lawn that April but I asked mum if I could put it off til May so that I could go to Small Insignificant Railway Station to see the 42nd drive of the British Rail MB67382B mark J, also known as the Buffer Chuffer…”

  19. 1) Eating cold hotdogs and drinking the hotdog water is the first one that made me question what sort of monster I had decided to produce an offspring with.

    2) An entire shelf in the fridge dedicated to sauces that we don’t use

  20. She’ll say something to me which I don’t hear, I’ll reply “pardon” and she only repeats the 2nd half of what she said!

  21. From time to time, he just likes to sit on the couch and stare into space. I can practically hear the white noise in his ears.

  22. Hoarding mugs and drinks bottles on her side of the bedroom.

    I bring up 1 mug of tea, then bring it down almost immediately after drinking it.

  23. Snaps bananas in half, then peels and eats each half individually.

    I can’t really throw stones here, I have approximately a thousand irritating habits, but the banana thing really gets me.

  24. He says he can’t taste the difference between margarine and butter.

    When he makes a cup of tea he’ll dump the use tea bag on the worktop next to the kettle.

    When he comes home from work he puts his still half full lunchbox in the washing bowl then when he washes the pots he complains every time that he forgot to empty it.

  25. my girlfriend is awesome & i can genuinely only think of one thing that’s bizarre. she undresses her lower half in one motion, leaving her pants & socks still attached to her inside-out leggings & puts them in the laundry basket as a single unit.

    oh, actually, second (related) thing – if she does take socks off separately, she then balls them up & puts them in the laundry basket like that. so, it’s more effort that just leaving them separate. i’ve started washing them as they are when i do laundry but she doesn’t mind

  26. Mine takes off random bits of clothing and leaves them lying around the house because they annoy her. There’s constantly socks all over the floor or bras hanging off chairs or bannister rails.

  27. I don’t know if anyone else will find it weird but I’m always bemused at the amount of milk my husband drinks and *how* they drink it.

    They’ll buy the 4 pint and drink directly from the bottle at their desk and probably finish it in one sitting, I may be biased because I’m lactose intolerant but who the hell enjoys milk THAT much?

  28. My partner she likes switching which side of the bed to sleeps on each night. she thinks it sexy I think it is weird.

  29. Leaving the empty cardboard tube on the toilet roll holder when there’s a pile of fresh new rolls right next to it!!

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