What hobbies do you find most attractive in a potential or current partner?

  1. For women? Fucking any.

    So many women seem to put 0 effort into their personalities past scrolling, make up, going on “adventures,” eating hot chip, and lying.

    I once met a complete fucking weirdo of a girl who was way into paleoanthropology, a field I know dick all about. You know what, her weird quirk for this and love to babble made her like 10 times hotter. Yes Kaley, please talk to me about how ancient humans used gay sex as a method of shamanistic medicine. I could listen to you babble about this all fucking day!

  2. Art

    There was a period in my life when I was studying art and graphic design, so even though I never pursued it as a career, those 2-3 years studying it developed my love for it.

    So I still paint and draw as a hobby, just not as often.

    So if a woman was into that, it’s something I could talk hours about.

    (But also honourable mentions- gaming, baking and poetry)

  3. The one they enjoy. Someone showing passion in their craft is always welcome, no matter who they are

  4. A woman’s hobbies have never played any impact on my desire to date her. Besides I know there’s a good chance that she’ll like whatever I like anyways. If her hobby is watching keeping up with the Kardashians cool, I need to turn off my brain after a long day of work anyways.

  5. in my wife it’s silly dance moves, unexpected jokes, when she plays video games, when she takes interest in one of my hobbies, freckles

  6. Camping, gardening, cooking, climbing, woodworking, yoga.. any of these coupled with a priority of self care (eats well, exercises regularly, and is in therapy)

  7. Do what ever the hell you want. Just do something other than Netflix. If you do it with me every so offen, it’s a major plus

  8. Basically any hobbies/interests that are similar to mine lol (e.g. gaming, anime, etc.). Being able to talk about/do the things I love with the person I love is super attractive imo.

  9. 1. Just about any.

    2. Almost shocked that this question got by with how often it’s asked.

  10. * I love when woman cycle on the bike line of the street. Them legs.
    * Sword swallowing.
    * Innocence.
    * Tomboyish
    * Can eat like a pig when the time calls for it.
    * Ngl, if she force me to sniff her private area after long hours, would be a massive turn on. Real talk.

  11. Reading is always number one. Actual books, not scrolling crap on the internet. Can be rhetoric, history, murder mysteries, fantasy high or low, science fiction, whatever so long as it’s not drivel. Reading trash is fine if you acknowledge it’s trash, I’m currently reading some, but if you’re claiming the works of Dan Brown are literary masterpieces that is a hard no.

    Music. Doesn’t have to be to my (sometimes obsessive) level. You don’t need to be able to listen to Satyrian and pick out that the female vocalist also fronts The Dreamside, or that the guitar work on All Ends first album resembles that of mid-era In Flames (because one of their guitarists did it). But an appreciation of music beyond whatever half-dozen songs the radio is playing this month is a desirable trait, especially as I will at some point babble gibberish about it. Also I will probably build you at least one playlist of some sort such as the random song a day thing I’m doing for a friend. Though I might also toss in some things just to be annoying/see if you’re paying attention (Mickey by Lolly for instance) depending on what the playlist is.

    But generally just have at least one thing you’re passionate for and can talk my ear off about. Even if it’s not something I’m into I’ll pay attention and ask questions.

  12. Same hobbies as me.

    Having a shared interest is something that makes anyone seem hotter.

  13. An interest in art / culture. I’d like to start going to art galleries and museums.

  14. Anything so long as it is not too expensive does not conflict with my hobbies. Bonus points if it is useful and I can easily help with it.

  15. I taught my wife to play pool.
    She joined APA and now leaves me to play pool at the bar twice a week. She can also beat me pretty good now. She is a lot more into than I ever was. I brag about her all the time. She likes several things I do and feels intimidated to learn new things so this is my first wife with a REAL hobby. Sometimes I feel kinda bummed out that she likes the bar – I’m a recovering alcoholic so the bar scene isn’t good for me. But her beating me at “my game” finally made her day.

  16. anything besides hiking and spending time with family or by the fire etc. tell me your hypothetical plans for world domination.

  17. It’s not about any particular hobby but really just having something(s) they are passionate about, enjoy, and it lights them up even more when they are talking about them.

    As far as specific hobbies, in some ways it is more of a willingness to do or try different things, eg. I enjoy hiking/camping, so be ready to do some of that or even as we go along figuring out new joint activities to pick up together.

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