At the moment, I work remotely and don’t interact with any of my coworkers at all. I’m out of college and it seems most meet-up groups in my area have few attendees and are usually 30+.

I don’t drink, and I have never been in a bar, although I supposed on principal I’m not opposed to going to one. The problem is I don’t really like night life, I’m mostly shy and socially anxious, and bars in my area honestly don’t seem very interesting to me.

I don’t know, I’m in a spot where I really have no friends at all, and making friends online is a waste of time in my experience.

  1. Hi well, i’m 25 year old woman on the same position. My only irl friend at the moment is my boyfriend and even him sometimes works at his office and has a little friend group😅.

    My advice to you? Try local stuff, like a club for an activity you like or the gym.

    People eventually will reach out cause no one minds their own business for too long😂.

    -Ohh the new guy, lets find out who the hell he is😯😯

  2. Practically, improve your status and the people you meet will want to be your friend. Get into shape, get good at something, make money, improve your looks. That’s what really matters, unfortunately. Don’t waste any time on improving your personality as this only works in the outlier examples. If you’re not too meek or too dominant, then your personality is not the issue.

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