Me (18M) has recently started a new job and been on 3 or 4 shifts with a coworker (18F) and she’s been really friendly, she made conversation instantly on our first shift together, saying hello and bye which is normal but I’m quite introverted and I feel like other coworkers understand that and don’t bother much with me.

Recently we’ve had more shifts together and we’ve caught eye contact across the room a couple of times, she seemed excited (said something like ‘omg Im finally on one of your shifts’) when we were on the same shift after we hadn’t been in awhile, looking in my direction for no particular reason for a couple of seconds, speaking to a friend while looking towards me, asking questions about me like my age and trying to make conversation whenever possible mostly just asking about myself and me asking her about herself (work on different parts of the building so contact is limited) called me an angel for doing something for her. Tried to be involved in conversations I’ve had with other coworkers. She also made it clear on two occasions within 20 minutes of each other that she WILL make me her friend which I guess is because I’m just quiet and come off as antisocial.

I read an article about this question and some of their answers apply: Engaging in eye contact – catch it from across the room and while talking, Wanting to know more about you, They defend you – said to another coworker ‘we all like (my name) around here’ after I brought something over late, They call you for every little thing – asked for help lifting a trash bag out of one trash can and into another.

Am I overthinking and thinking wishfully or am I onto something.

1 comment
  1. Well, you’re 18, so I doubt this job is a career or anything. So the usual advice of not shitting where you eat, is waived.

    Ask her out on a date.

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