Originally posted under a different title asking what the two bright stars were, but was removed by the automod because it implied I was asking people to agree with me??

So anyway. Has anyone else seen Venus and Jupiter? Lovely innit. I was a bit freaked out by them for a minute before realising what they were. Might try and get a photo soon.

This is a question about astronomy. Hopefully it won’t be removed this time around, as it’s not a prohibited topic, unlike questions about DIY, technology, or education, which the rules state are banned.

  1. I’ll never not be astonished anytime I see Jupiter. Looking up into the night sky, that’s a stream of photons that have bounced around inside the sun for around 170,000 years, give or take a week or two, before escaping the sun, travelling around 484 million miles to bounce off Jupiter, and then travel another 365 million miles, at least, to then impact my eyeballs.

    Nice one, photons.

  2. I have an app on my phone that can track satalits, planets and stars. It uses GPS and you just hold your phone upto the sky and it can show you where everything is.

    I haven’t seen the planets yet as its too cloudy, I did see the star link train which was amazing.

  3. I dunno which ones they are but I can see about 20 stars from my garden which is more than usual. It’s almost a law of nature that there’s cloud cover over me anytime there’s anything worth looking at so even a few stars is a bonus.

  4. Nah I only go strippers on a weekend, didn’t even know they worked Thursday nights.

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