I never really get crushes, the last one i’ve had until recently was from 2 years ago 😭 Anyway this guy is really cute to me but he’s kinda quiet, I would say kinda shy and very insecure (can’t talk without covering his mouth, idk why?) but without sounding rude he’s kinda an NPC? I feel like I have to interact with him first for him to talk to me.

At lunch for the first few minutes I sit with my friends then me and one other girl walk over to sit where they are and we talk all lunch. But at the end he quickly walks back to class without me (we have the same class after.) He usually walks to my next period with me and we talk but I feel so trapped, It’s not fair I feel so dependent on him but I think he’d be fine if I disappeared.

He occasionally walks up to me and I think he tries to be near me sometimes, in class I sit next to the pencil sharpener and he grabs a pencil and sharpens it like up to 3 times (there’s no reason to be doing that cus it’s an automatic sharpener and he doesn’t really write). In class he’s usually reading manga (?) on his chromebook so that might be why he doesn’t approach me as much..

He doesn’t have a phone anymore (idk what he did but he got in trouble) so lunch and that class is all we really have. I really wanna ask him out but I think it’s one sided 😓 I don’t think he’s had a serious girlfriend before and I’ve only had 1, people think I’m pretty but I don’t really get approached

1 comment
  1. Keep the daily conversations going. You might have to initiate, but that is okay since the dude is only 15 and not a grown man. In one of the conversations, just casually ask him to watch a movie with you or if he’d like to watch an anime together.

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