When my boyfriend (M21 | let’s call him Josh) and I just started our relationship, he told me that his best friend (F19 | let’s call her Anna) was like his other half and loves her.

From what I know before I said yes to being his girlfriend, he told me him and Anna have been friends since third grade or something. I asked if he had feelings for Anna. He said yes, but he didn’t have anymore feelings. Apperantly, he asked Anna out 6 months or so before we dated. Anna said she only saw him as a friend.

When I borrowed his phone with his permission to go through reddit, I stumbled on his only post history. He asked advice on what to do since he was badly in love with Anna.

I didn’t say anything about the reddit post I read. When he told me, “I love Anna, she’s like my other half. I know everything about her and she knows everything about me,” I didn’t say anything either and just died a little on the inside. But since this was only a week into us offically being a couple, I felt like I had no right to pry.

Months later, Josh and Anna had a falling out that wasn’t related to me. I simply sat and listened when Josh talked about his frustration that Anna lies to him about her alcohol use (Anna is an alcoholic according to Josh). He cut ties with her. He later laments if what he did was right or not.

Anyways, today, Anna texted Josh and they’re starting to connect again. I feel so nauseated and sick, extremely anxious. What he said about Anna being his other half has always stuck in my mind. Now it’s getting highlighted.

He knows how I feel about Anna (I confessed 2 months ago).

I dont really want them reconnecting because I feel anxious and those words repeat on and on again. I don’t want to control who he talks to, but I feel so sick. Physically sick with anxiety. What’s more, we’ve recently figured out a problem and are just starting to patch things up in our relationship.

I don’t know what to do. We’ve been together for a year and a half, and we live together as well.

1 comment
  1. If your boyfriend makes you sick, dump him.

    Either his actions are so bad being sick to your stomach is an appropriate reaction, and you should dump him and find a better man. Or your insecurity is so bad you are having an irrationally strong reaction to a normal occurrence, in which case you need to be in therapy and not in a relationship.

    Why would you willingly be in a relationship that makes you feel this bad?

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