i need some advice. i have a crush on a guy who is in my school and we only have about a week left before he goes on study leave. i’m not sure if i should talk to him or not, especially since we have no classes together and only three mutual friends.


whenever our mutual friends try to introduce us, it just feels awkward and forced, so i always back out. i don’t want to make things uncomfortable for either of us. on top of that, he’s an extremely shy person (hence why we only have three mutual friends, and legit none of them are close to him enough to introduce him to somebody without it being out of the blue) and it’s not easy to approach him since he’s always with his best friend, but i also don’t want to regret not talking to him before he leaves.


plus, there’s a chance that i might switch schools next year, which means i might never get the chance to talk to him again.


i’m looking for advice on whether i should try to talk to him before he leaves, and if so, how can i approach him without it feeling unnatural or forced? i don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable or put him on the spot.


i would appreciate any advice or personal experiences you may have to share. thanks in advance!

1 comment
  1. Just go for it. Just say hi every day you see him (idk how often you see him) and be yourself unapologetically. Maybe even slide him your number on a note if you’re too shy to ask for his number. It’s better to take the chance doing something bold than to be filled with regret when he leaves

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