Last night just in casual conversation he said fine “if you wanna say my type is blondes”
I think he forgot that I’ve been coming across strands of blonde hair in his room.
Im upset since then.
Now I know hair gets transferred from any sort of contact but I vacuumed his cushion chair couple last week. When i went there again the chair had a blonde hair stuck to it.
He always say he doesnt know how it got there. But since he admitted to hving a type. Im scared now. We have been together 2.5 years and we are both brown.

  1. OP, is there honestly anything he can say that will convince you he’s not cheating? What are you needing to gain the trust again because you honestly sound like you just want him to say he’s cheating or create a truth that aligns with the paranoia. What could he say or do that would make you think he’s being truthful?

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