So, we have some classes together and I really want to get to know her. We had a little chat yesterday before I had to leave to catch my train.

We got a task so Im thinking to ask something about the task to get the conversation started on instagram (I started following her yesterday and she followed me back) but I don’t know what to say after she answers on that question like I can’t go immediately ask her number or ask like what movie/series she likes.

Any tips about this so I can ask her out or get her number?

  1. Why would you interact with her via insta when you could do this in person?

    Chat her up after class again and tell her you think she’s pretty, then propose to get coffee or whatever you have in mind. Don’t make this more complicated than it should be…. And don’t conceal your intentions and desires. That won’t end well. Be upfront and unashamed of being interested in her.

  2. Don’t ask about the task.

    Say “hey, I enjoyed our little chat yesterday, and I am interested in getting to know you better”. (then proceed to ask questions about her)

    Something like that, it’s not a declaration of love, it signals interest, but it shouldn’t destroy your self esteem if she says no. Also, if she says no to that, this was going nowhere and you saved yourself a bunch of time.

    You have to be assertive, you can’t really shield yourself and simultaneously connect with someone. The trick is to have confidence in yourself that you will be okay either way, and take pride in that you tried and if she does not like you, it’s more about her than you…

    She is probably nervous and awkward too, don’t think she is that perfect person that has all her stuff together. We only seem that way to each other from the outside.

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