For months he showed interest. Asking if I was single and that he wanted to see me. I was getting out of a relationship and wasn’t putting myself out there yet. We live in different states now but he said he would like to come out and see me again and go out.

I finally give him the time of day and he’s super excited. We text and are having a good conversation and asking about our lives and all sorts of stuff. We chat on the phone at one point, and he randomly mentions that were too far away from eachother (which is true). He mentions too he’s going to be in my state at the end of February, but on the other side of the state so again, too far.

To me it was confusing because he was fawning over me for MONTHS, basically chasing me, and got excited when I finally told him I’m single, and within like 2 days he decided I’m just too far.

I text him back eventually after we hang up and say it’s true we are too far but it was great catching up. This made him annoyed and he back paddled and said how he wants to see me and hang out and wants me. Overall in a nut shell I question what all this even means, as he was giving mixed signals and being hot and cold. It was weird. He never responds to this. But ghosted me. So I don’t text him again either. I just kinda move along (not gonna lie that it hurt my feelings how he went from 100 to 0 so fast).

A month goes by. And I randomly get a DM on Instagram 2 days ago. His friend tagged him in a story (a picture of him and his friends) and he sent it to me. He’s in my state like he said he was going to be. There’s no context to it. Just a picture. I look at it and never respond. He doesn’t say anything either.

What is this this shit? Anyone have insight why a guy would do this? I would never do this and I personally can’t fathom doing this to someone I was so keen on.


  1. Since he lives far away he could be doing this with many females, be on and off with an ex, or a multitude of other reasons. Either way, right now he isn’t worth your time and energy. Reliability and consistency is important

  2. This guy is a jerk. He’s breadcrumbing you and putting in minimal effort. He sent you the pic bc he hopes you’ll drive 9 hours to see him (without his even being in contact with you).


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