Throwaway because I know way too many people that Reddit.

For the sake of brevity I’m going to leave background information out, but if anyone feels background would be important I can add some of that in. I’m also intentionally leaving certain items vague.

I have a sex partner. All together we’ve been having sex more than a year but less than two years (with a few month break once). Erections have always been somewhat of an issue. When we first started it was rare we could have PIV sex because of this. As he became more comfortable he could maintain an erection to have sex, but it was never super hard.

After the few month break from us having sex, issues cropped up again. He decided to get the little blue pill and used it very recently for the first time. It was amazing, he was rock hard. To me, easily one of the best sex sessions we’ve ever had. After sex, while I was still catching my breath, he said, “I didn’t really notice a difference.” I quickly tried to scramble my brain for how to respond. In that post sex breathless way said, “I definitely noticed a difference, it was really good” with a kiss.  Then mentioned that I didn’t think it was supposed to feel any different for him, just easier to get and maintain an erection (what I read about it after he told me he got some). He nodded his head and shrugged his shoulders. The conversation shifted, we talked, cuddled, and he left so I could sleep.

I would like him to continue using the Viagra whenever we have sex. If we were in a relationship I would absolutely feel comfortable talking to him about it. But as someone I’m not in a relationship with, I’m not sure how to broach the subject or if I should just hope he continues to use it and only bring it up if he doesn’t. Entirely related, if he doesn’t continue on his own, I’d love any suggestions on how to politely bring it up. I know the erection issues are mental and I don’t want to make it worse.

  1. Difficult topic. As long as the sex is working it’s his decision if he wants to take it imo. Maybe you can mention it again but honestly I don’t know a polite way to ask for it. Or you end this.

  2. What’s his age? There could definitely be some other underlying health issue that might be causing this.

  3. I think it’s OK to talk about, but viagra does way more than just maintain a boner. It rushes blood to your head too and often causes headaches, flushing and light-headedness. So before you get too insistent on it know that there are body and health concerns beyond the penis and you’re asking a lot if he’s not comfortable managing all that stuff.

  4. Just be up front, but kind.

    “Hey, I like having sex with you, but it feels a lot better for me when you’re rock hard. I’d really appreciate it if you’d keep taking the viagra before we have sex, it makes it so nice for me.”

    Just focus on the you aspect, how this is something nice he can do *for you*, rather than something that is a problem with him. Because yeah, viagra isn’t supposed to increase a man’s sensitivity or anything like that, and guys don’t need to be rock hard to cum either. This isn’t about him, it’s about you.

  5. I don’t see why you can’t just say it. Since he has tried it once I doubt it will be a sensitive Subjekt.

  6. How does he respond to you giving him oral? Perhaps he just needs more foreplay directed to him in order to get fully aroused.

  7. He’s your sex partner so something that makes sex better should be talked about and used I would think.

  8. I think there’s less pressure to tell him what you want seeing as you’re not actually in a relationship. If you’re just sleeping with each other, then you can say it’s so much better for me when you use it so I’d like you to. You’re almost allowed to be a little more selfish haha

  9. Definitely tell him! It makes it easier for him too. Yall both win IMO. Even people who dont totally need viagra or cialis benefit from the much harder and longer erections. Its awesome!

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