she was in one of my classes last semester, we were in a group and we had some nice convos and stuff with the other group members. i dmed her and got ghosted randomly for 2 days, even saw her with her phone in class and stuff so i took the L and moved on.

been told by a friend that shes been looking at me and i also heard she was looking at my instagram and showing it to her friends ( i have 0 pictures of me and post nothing ). my friends tell me to talk to her because out of a good \~200 followers im one of the few guys that follow her and she never accepts randoms.

recently whenever i walk into a hall with her in it she just instantly avoids eye contact with me at all, just looks away until im gone. it happened today and i wanted to approach her and say hi but i didnt for some reason.

should i try to talk to her if i see her alone next time?

  1. The worst that can happen is it’s vaguely awkward and she doesn’t want to talk or be involved. But, then the awkwardness will pass, and in a matter of time, it’ll probably be something you think almost nothing about (not worry about). I’d say go for it (chatting her up), but don’t push it beyond that one time, if she’s not receptive. At least you’ll know one way or the other.

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