Should I break up with him? We have been dating for 5 months and I have known him as a friend for a year. I was so desperate to get his love and attention that I thought the digital letter was real. He thought I would have figured out that it was fake because he can’t write well in english. I was so touched by the words in the letter that I started crying, i thought finally he understands and made me feel special, and when he confessed he used AI tears of joy turned to tears of betrayal and misery. I was so angry at him and It bought up other issues like him not being able to love me the way I want. He said he loves me and didn’t mean to hurt me, that the intention matter, but he has accidentally hurt me way too many times. I feel like a fool. The words are not his and tbh he has never made any effort to go out of his way or be romantic. I made him a playlist on valentine’s day since we were long distance and he didn’t say if he liked any songs, didn’t do anything. He is the sweetest politest guy but he’s always joking around and will never be serious I think. This is his first relationship. I really liked him and saw a future with him but he lacks emotional intelligence I think. This experience triggered the memory of all the lies I had faced in my previous relationship also. I can’t trust him or anyone ever again. I always go out of my way to be a good partner and don’t feel special at all. I know this makes me sound pushy but I’m tired of giving him cues and telling him how to love. He seems incapable of romance even though he’s always honest and my best friend. What do I do? I am devestated and told him I need space.

My bf wrote a love letter using AI and i feel terribly betrayed

  1. Sounds like a guy who can’t write English wanted to write you a letter in English, so he found a way to do it using AI, something that by the way every important system in the world either uses or will be using eventually.

    It doesn’t sound like he did it as a joke, it doesn’t sound like he did it to hurt you, it sounds like he wanted to do something nice but didn’t know another way to do it.

    Good boyfriend.

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