Those who are dating/in a relationship yet have a medical condition, how did it affect you finding someone?

  1. I have a lot less energy for dating than I did before my illness ramped up. But I met my spouse on Twitter so it ended up not really mattering, at least for finding that relationship.

  2. I’m type 1 diabetic and married. It didn’t really effect me getting into my relationship per se. I did choose to date people who were willing to ask questions about my needs and take that information to heart. That was my biggest deal breaker in choosing a partner. If they wanted to learn about my care and help me when I needed it, they were a keeper. If they didn’t do that, I wouldn’t go further with them. I told my husband about my diabetes before we started dating and he still chose to pursue me and had the mentality that he wanted to learn about it because it was part of me and he wanted to be in my life and I I’m his life. I think if he didn’t have that thought process, we wouldn’t be together.

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