Hi everyone,

TL;DR need advice
I’m hoping to get some advice on a relationship issue I’m currently facing. I’ve been dating my partner for a few years now, and things have generally been great. However, we’ve recently hit a rough patch and I’m not sure how to handle it.

The problem is that my partner’s ex has started reaching out to them again. They dated for a long time before my partner and I got together, and I know my partner still cares about them deeply. I don’t think anything romantic is happening between them, but it still makes me uncomfortable.

I’ve tried talking to my partner about how I feel, but they seem to think I’m overreacting. They’ve assured me that they’re committed to our relationship and have no intention of getting back together with their ex, but I can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t right.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How did you handle it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

  1. Did they actually say “overreact”? If so, that’s a sign they aren’t empathizing with you on this issue. No matter the issue, if your partner won’t try to see it on your level, then there’s trouble.

    Is there a reason for you to not trust your gut? Like, is there past trauma that may be making you see more into this than there is? If not, you should probably trust your gut.

  2. I have been in a similar situation and I would dip asap. You have already expressed your view on the whole situation and she does not care, which means she values her ex higher than her relationship with you.

  3. Set a boundary and stick to it.

    Being in a relationship with someone that loves someone else is painful, and your partner has to pick you over them.

    If my ex texted me, I’d immediately show my gf. It’s a respect and transparency thing

    This is your own relationship, but you may want something similar.

    Knowledge is power, it’s also painful and strips us of our comfortable delusions.

    If you choose not to see clearly you will be blind, but maybe happier that way for a time

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