To all the unmarried women here who are not interested any longer in marriage, how did you convince your parents that you don’t wanna get married and how’s your life going now? Do you feel regret about your decision now?

  1. I didn’t have to convince my parents. They raised me while instilling in me that it’s my life, therefore any decisions I would like to make for myself solely depends on me.

    My life’s doing so well. Peaceful and I’m satisfied.

  2. Was never interested. Didn’t bother convincing them. Didn’t entertain discussions. Actions or lack, spoke for themselves. They have no power over that in my country/culture.

  3. Why would I need to convince my parents of anything? They aren’t in charge of me, it’s my life and I’ll do as I please. They either respect it or they don’t. Luckily they do.

    No, I don’t regret my decision. My life is wonderful.

  4. I’ve never really seen the point, but there’s always time to change my mind, so there’s no reason to feel any regret.

    My aunt and uncle were together from their early 20s and didn’t get married until they were both nearly 50.

  5. Marriage is no longer really a thing that people really expect in my country. People just start living together and after a while people will refer to the couple as husband and wife(or the equivalent for LGTB+ folks). It became way common for people to get married only after they had kids, and it’s more for the party and legal protection of the kids. Also, becouse in our tradition, the parent help paying for the wedding, my parents/in laws are pretty happy that we arenot going to get married lol. In the last 10years, I only attended one wedding where the couple didn’t already had kids.

  6. I’ve been partnered with the same guy for 12 years. We’ve always been very up front with our parents that we love each other but don’t believe in marriage. They’re all pretty open-minded/laidback people, and it doesn’t seem to bother them. If it does, they definitely haven’t mentioned it to us. I’m still with the same partner. Still in love. But our feelings about marriage haven’t changed at all: we support other couples if they want to do it, wouldn’t take the right away from anyone, but we see no point in doing it ourselves.

  7. I’ve never had to convince my parents of anything. They raised me as an independent human capable of making my own choices in life, and they’ve never interfered with any of those choices.

    No regrets at all.

  8. My mom married at 18 and regretted it.

    So she told me, dont get married.

    I dont regret it, but I’m not saying never either. If the right person comes along, who knows…

  9. I’m still in the process of making them understand my rejection of traditional marriage. My mom knows I take my relationship seriously but she doesn’t quite get why I’m so opposed to getting married. I don’t regret anything at this point. The legal reasons for marriage don’t apply to me yet and I’m sure the future will show if they are even necessary to begin with.

  10. lmao my mom did not care, she’s never pressured me into getting married so i never really saw the need for it. for me i think if a contract is the only thing keeping people together then they shouldn’t be together at all. i’d rather be in a relationship that’s held together by love, than be legally bound to someone. i think most ppl my age feel the same way, so i don’t have trouble finding partners lmao

  11. 1. I don’t want to be financially tied to anyone

    2. I don’t want to share my inheritance

    3. I don’t want anyone to have control over my medical decisions

    4. I don’t want to share debt.

    5. I want to end a relationship if needed and not pay for a divorce lawyer

    I am in a 4 year relationship. We don’t want to get married. We tell anyone who asks. I don’t regret it. The only thing marriage would do is give us a contract that neither of us want to be in. Other than that, we act like “married couple” without the documents

    My parents don’t care, they see me as happy! Both have been through a few multiple marriages, and appreciate how cautious I am with that decision.

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