What insecurities have you successfully overcome?

  1. I’ve always been afraid of intimate relationships feeling I wouldn’t be able to make the other person enjoy the moment or that I would dissappoint them.

    Once I had my first and consecutive chances, I discovered that, in fact, my partners told me I could do it better than previous people they had relationships with because of my interest of them enjoying, so it seems that insecurity evolved into a quality of taking care what the other person needs in the heat of the moment that makes the whole thing fun

  2. i always felt like i wasn’t doing enough as a boyfriend, that was until i met my now wife who showed me that i had been dating girls who didn’t reciprocate the effort

  3. My sword size, believe it or not. cried a ton however I pulled through.

  4. Looks , i genuinely don’t care anymore about how ppl perceive me , except in work ofc , atleast on the conscious level.

  5. More directly asking for what I want sexually or emotionally from a partner, knowing that I can be okay with disappointment if they happen to want something else at that particular moment

  6. Was told how hideous and deformed I was due to an accident that left me with some serious facial scars.

    Took me a while to realize that I’m a decent-looking man, and I realized that my family does things like this just to keep a kid deflated and miserable.

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