Broke up with BF after he lied about drinking and abuses alc. He has a lot of baggage and I don’t know how to handle relationships where people are alcoholics and if I should trust that he will do what’s right.

I used to date this man for many months casually but we finally became bf/gf in late November? He used to be on the fence about relationships the whole time we were casual and I wanted a relationship and now that we are finally in one I don’t know what to feel. He has struggles with alc abuse the past few years but has been somewhat sober for 1 year. When we became official he thought he could slowly be reintroduced to the idea of drinking. Well that didn’t work out great I laid boundaries down that he needs to stop and to never come to my apartment drunk or super high. I get bad anxiety when I am overstimulated and being near someone who becomes obnoxious when under the influence is awful- hence the boundary. He had told me he would stop drinking but then would have a beer at work etc. If he was ever obnoxious I would be like did you drink or smoke? And those questions would trigger him and we would have arguments. He told me he stopped drinking but this whole time he has been getting blasted and covering it by saying he smoked weed ( I am pretty much straight edge so I am naïve lol).

We had 3 arguments in the past 2 weeks about him showing up at my apartment “super high” but I found out recently he has been drunk this whole time. The last argument I finally had the courage to break up with him and I actually recorded part of the argument because I felt like it wasn’t normal arguing. He slammed my furniture and was saying I sucked, was dumb, a dumbass, pitied the next man who I date because I want someone “perfect” (not true). I sent the video to my sister and mom the next day and they were appalled. I have obviously lost love for him since the last 3 arguments but I feel bad for someone who is struggling and has had terrible childhood trauma from their parents.

He came to my house a few days after the argument and the feels hit me. We both started crying and we started laying out a plan: AA, Sponsorship, therapy when he can afford it, more dedicated date time, him spending less time at my apartment etc. We have strict boundaries rn: no kissing, no sex, no sleeping over, no dates unless he hits the milestones etc. But part of me just doesn’t know if I have any love left to want to wait for him. I have already decided I am moving to a big city south of our small city, and I start a really really good job in early April. **How do you handle relationship hurts with people who abuse alcohol?**

EDIT: He sees me as his forever person (family, house, grow old with)


Broke up with BF after he lied about drinking and abuses alc. He has a lot of baggage and I don’t know how to handle relationships where people are alcoholics and if I should trust that he will do what’s right.

  1. You broke up with him, act like it. He’s got some stuff to work on, don’t get tangled up into this mess.

  2. Honey, he got drunk and when you caught him in his lie, started being verbally and physically abusive. (For real, the slamming of furniture and being physically intimidating—that is physical abuse.) Listen to your family. You deserve so much better. Congratulations on your new job and upcoming move! Leave this guy behind you while you enter your new, rad life.

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