I do not have social media but Reddit just so I can spend less time on my phone. I try to be on my phone less when Im around him.
He dominates conversations, not a great listener himself, and kind of selfish when it comes to what he want to discuss, watch , or listen too.

We both work full time I work about 12 hours of over time every single week. We spend a majority of our free time together because he does not have friends outside of the relationship.

If there becomes any moment in time he is speaking and I happen to not hear he flips a shit. He shames me for being on my phone, rips me to shreds about our relationship and how I dont do enough and I dont listen to him and he is never heard .

I think this is wrong. I make an effort to be on my phone less. Im listening a majority of the time because he speaks way more than I am ever allowed, and of course there will be moments I dont listen or Im on my phone because we live together I work a lot and we are ALWAYS together. I feel smothered. I am a more independent person and have a life outside of the relationship.

I just dont think its fair he tries to shame me when it will be impossible for just me to be everything he needs. Idk Im probably wrong but Im just so exhausted .

  1. This sounds so unhealthy. Your husband just wants someone to talk at incessantly. You shouldn’t feel obligated to listen at every second. Maybe you can have scheduled times to talk? I.e. give him half an hour to rant about work and check in on you every night. Then go do your own things; video games, bubble bath, reading, baking, etcetera. Join one another for dinner and discuss your hobbies and the food. After dinner, clean up together and try to make it fun. Etcetera.

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