He actually likes me and has had a crush on me for a few months so i assume his feelings are relatively strong. But the thing is, i just don’t want a relationship. But i kinda like him. I feel like since it seems like his feelings for me are serious, it’s disrespectful if i ask him to be my fwb and i’m so afraid of his reaction. That’s why i rejected him when he asked me out. But i keep thinking about him and i feel like i should give it a shot. Do you think it’s disrespectful to ask that? Then he’s gonna feel like i’m taking advantage of his feelings just for sex or that i’m using him for sex.

  1. It would be a horrible idea. He would likely say yes, get attached, and make things messy

  2. You’ll never know unless you ask. Both of you can agree to rules & boundaries if you’re both communicating like adults.

  3. terrible idea fwb only works if no one gets feelings. If one starts out with feelings they are going to be in for a disappointment.

  4. Disrespectful? No. But you run the risk that it’s going to get messy.

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