My girlfriend wants and is planning on dropping out of medical school to work and move out to her parents house. Medical school has been her dream because she is very passionate about becoming a doctor and I fully support her towards her goals. However, she is very tired of her parents especially her dad who is very strict and stubborn, they always expect her to do what they expect to her and its like they are forcing her to act like a robot. Now earlier tonight she had a big argument with her dad and now she told me that she is planning to drop and work so that she can leave their house, in result of sacrificing her dream career. I don’t like the idea of my girlfriend sacrificing her dreams but I understand her frustrations. What should or can I do for her?

TL;DR my girlfriend is tired of her parents and she wants to be independent and move out

  1. Sometimes people need to readjust their path. Sometimes they need to take a year off from school and get their own apartment.

    Good for her for taking her life into her own hands in this way. She’s been dealing with an abusive family situation for her whole life. Moving out is amazing.

    Your role as boyfriend is to support her.

    If she wants help roadmapping her life…do some research on her options for loans, or on other careers she can do for that still help people (her original dream) but that don’t require medical school, etc.

    If you are with her because you want her to be a doctor then of course this will upset you. If you are with her because you love her and want her to be in a good environment and be empowered in her life then this will be an exciting time for you both.

  2. Give her your support and maybe try to find a plan that allows for both. This is just an example: if possible she lives with you until the summer so she doesn’t have to stop in the middle of the year, then next year she takes a gap year and works to get on her feet

  3. It’s quite possible it was her parents who pushed her to become a doctor to begin with, and maybe she really wanted something else. Or maybe she still wants to become a doctor, but wants to take a gap year to make some money, then return to it. Talk to her. Ask her if that’s still her dream or if she has a different dream. She has lots of time to figure it out; you’re both still very young.

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