We had a month long thing after a year of friendship, but it was the most intense thing I’ve felt. She ended it when things began getting serious citing wanting different things. She has planned to travel for a year for quite some time.

She misses me, but still offered friendship and casual.

I think I’m in love with her and I have no idea how to move on.

I have no idea how to let her go. I would have much rather heard “it’s just you” but this feels like something different than that.

  1. And dude. Some advice

    Before you jump in to a serious relationship discover your self.

    Save some money up 2k enough for airfair travel learn new things about yourself grow up you will be a better partner because of it

    Your lady friend has the rite idea

  2. Work on yourself
    Find someone else
    Write a list of all the things you dont like about her
    Its what she wants
    Dont pursue a romantic relationship if she only wants friendship. It will work against you.
    Just ask ‘hi hows it going’ like a friend.’ Keep in contact like a friend only.
    Its ok to abandon interests & desires that do not positively serve you.
    Spend time with friends
    Be open to other relationships, this will test your friendship
    Dont follow her on fb & instA.
    Talk to someone

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