
So I have a crush on this girl who I think is amazing. Unfortunately she was never interested in me. This situation has happened to me many times which honestly sucks.

I’m 19 and I have never kissed a girl before. What 19 year old has never kissed anyone? That’s really pathetic imo. Anyway, is this a turn off to girls?

I’m starting to think if Anyone will ever love me. It’s never happened and I’m starting to feel like it never will. What do I do to change this? How can I make a girl love me the way I love them?

TLDR: Never kissed a girl, is this a turn off?

  1. I’m 19 and I’ve never kissed a girl before it’s fine man don’t worry our times will come

  2. I’m 26 and I’ve never kissed a girl. But have still had genuine interest shown in me, despite my not being ready to be in a relationship.

    At the end of the day, whether you’ve kissed someone or not won’t be the deciding factor of who you end up with for the long term. You’ll pick and be picked by the person that cares about you for who you are and vice versa.

  3. You’re still young. Not even old enough to drink. Don’t be in such a hurry. Go to the gym and get a makeover lifting weights. Women like men with muscles. Women would look at me twice, when I started going to gym after about four months. And I am 59 years old.

  4. no youre 19 man. you feel old…youre not. get some perspective.

    you know whats pathetic? the way you talk about how pathetic you are. way more of a turn off than not having kissed someone.

  5. My girlfriend at that time thought it was cute/romantic she got to have some of my firsts….and gave me a couple of hers

    So it can work out

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