It seems like everywhere I go, I hear about a guy doing something that seems normal or sometimes a little different, and the person talking calls the guy or his action gay. A rapper recently was on stream doing child labor pain simulator and the entire comment section called him gay. A family member of mine said her boyfriend was in his sassy era bcuz she was being a pos and he blocked her. Wtf is happening

  1. ETA: So much dudebro rage

    It’s because a lot of “straight” guys have homosexual fantasies. This terrifies them. What if god can hear their gay thoughts? What if their homosexual desires are somehow outwardly apparent? They are so ashamed and terrified of being outed that they do everything they can to sound and appear as not gay as possible. Barbwire tribal tattoos, pickup trucks with Harley Davidson stickers, shirts with gray scale flags, Tapout clothes, energy drinks, whatever. They also are hypervigilant of other men’s behavior, constantly policing it for any sign of any behavior that is not exclusively manly or masculine, so they can call them out as gay, and distract the world from their own innate homosexual desires by pointing their finger and declaring something GAY. Because I mean come on, that means they themselves could not possibly be gay, right? And it works on other simpletons. But I know they have devastating cravings for cock or ass or whatever.

  2. Old school homophobia, some people probably do it and don’t even have a problem with gay people.

  3. Homophobia.

    You outgrow and unlearn that shit really quickly once you mature. Calling something “lame” works in place of that.

  4. There’s people that are very sensible to anything that shows some emotion or weakness and that gets labeled as “gay”.

    On the other side, there are many people who use sentimentalism as a weapon to attack something or to gain some money.

    Both sides exaggerate one or another thing.

  5. I guess it started as jokes around teenagers who never thought this would be so sensitive in reality

  6. Things, actions, hobbies being gay is so 1990 homophobic. If I wear pink shorts and a rainbow crop top that’s not gay… but if I’m wearing it while sucking duck in the bathroom of a club… that’s gay… even getting ass fucked by a women wearing a strapon dildo, is only as “gay” as getting brunch is.

    Americans need to get over the notion that random things need to be assigned a sexuality

  7. You gotta take stock in the company your keep the culture you follow. If it’s toxic maybe it’s time for a change.

  8. Many people use it as a manipulation tool by attacking your masculinity and getting you to prove you’re a straight, masculine man by doing what they want and some people use it simply to clown others. Things have gotten so ridiculous now that I don’t know how many people are serious about it and how much is sarcasm or satire. Such as when people say it’s gay to eat fruit and salads.

  9. They’re not. The question you should be asking is “who am I hanging out with and why do these weirdos call everything gay?”

  10. It wasn’t always literally “gay” many guys use to use the word to label a situation they thought to be stupid or something they wouldn’t be caught dead doing. Like sucking a dick for example, that’s is as gay as sucking a dick and I’m not doing it….. but it was shorter to just use the first part.

    I can assure you that when I was growing up and some random guy called someone or something “gay”, they didn’t mean it literally…. We knew they weren’t homosexual.

    and every generation will have a new word for this. but back then something wasn’t good unless it was “Bad”. We didn’t invent new words like the kids today, we just changed the way we used existing words.

    And technically to be gay….. use to mean to be happy , like way back when.

  11. Being gay has always had negative connotations amongst the majority. Nowadays, people still use it to denote negative connotations, but argue that it has a different meaning, separate from sexuality.

    Basically they’re either too stupid or lazy to use a different word, and don’t really care what effect it may have on actual gay people.

  12. I wouldn’t say it’s random things. AFAIK it’s for femininely perceived and/or stereotypically gay traits and behaviours. Whether those justify being called gay or not is up to people’s own judgement

  13. When i was in school everything was gay. You failed the test that’s gay. You suck at football that’s gay.

  14. If you grew up in the 90’s you called stuff wack, gay and retarded. It was a simpler time and people were less sensitive.

  15. It depends when you grew up tbh. I’m 26 and people used gay, retarded, etc all the time.

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