M16 I don’t think il buy them anytime soon but I want to know what to expect and how to act when buying them. Thanks guys!

  1. I don’t know what you expect? It’s just like buying anything else.

    If you’re scared or nervous about buying them then you’re probably not ready for sex

  2. So if you’re nervous about it I’d suggest buying them somewhere where not a lot of people know you. So maybe another part of your city or the next city. Choose a time when there are not a lot of customers. Buy some other stuff, too, and not ONLY condoms.

  3. In the UK alot of supermarkets have vending machines in the public toilets. I don’t know where you are but maybe they do something similar.

    But honestly just go and buy them no-one cares or even notices

  4. As someone who works at a cvs and checks out lots of guys with condoms, we really really REALLY won’t judge or think anything about it. no one is gonna stop you or be weird about it. Also if you feel weird about it, use the self checkout! 🙂

  5. Just like you’d buy anything else! Buy lube too- you need to use it when you’re using condoms (way less likely to break)

  6. I totally get why you feel weird or embarrassed about this as a teen. But TRUST ME – the cashier doesn’t give 2 fucks that you’re buying condoms. They probably are so indifferent to it and sell so many all the time. Lots of places have self checkout these days too if you’re still worried

  7. They can’t refuse you, doubt they can ask you much 2bh

    Buy some lube, they’ll think you know what you’re doing

  8. In my 20’s Costco bulk condoms saved me a fortune. Went through many tins in a year.

    Nobody cares if you buy condoms. It no different than buying bananas at the grocery store.

  9. Very important afterward is how you store them. You can’t leave them in a car or a hot shed so others don’t find them. When you get them practice a few times before the first time you need to use one. You’ll want to follow the instructions and make sure whatever you get is a good fit for you. Snug but not painful. Store condoms work well enough for most people but everyone’s body is different. You can also using a measuring tool online and order something more bespoke from various online condom companies.

  10. The cashier can’t possibly give less of a fuck about you. It’s just another product, you’re just another customer. Just don’t act like you’re doing anything sketchy or weird and it will be fine.

  11. Whatever you, don’t break eye contact. For any reason. Even when getting your money out to pay

  12. Be as nervous as you possibly can. Say “I’m going to put these on my wee”. Sweat profusely

  13. I reckon just buy them no matter what everyone else is thinking it makes you look responsible

  14. If you’re worried what people will think, you could always buy a birthday card with it so people think it’s some kind of prank on someone lol

  15. I’m 28(f) and I had to buy condoms for the first time last month. Never really needed them before always been in long term relationships and used other methods. But I was super awkward about it and embarrassed. I couldn’t even say the word condom, my brain forgot what they were called. The second I walked away I was laughing about it with my partner. Even if it’s embarrassing at first, it’s only for a little bit and then you’ll move on. The employees don’t care, and you’ll have them on hand when you need them. Have fun and be safe ✌️

  16. Just go buy some for practice. Then practice putting the darn things on. While yer at it… maybe do system self check so you kinda know what to expect.

  17. The most important thing to remember is to respond “Oh, I will 😎👉👉” when the cashier tells you to have a good day

  18. Don’t buy in a gas station buy it in Walmart, the 12 or 36 pack, it can save you some money, just grab it and go to self checkout, it’s just like buying a bag of chips, no need to act a certain way or get embarrassed

  19. buy one extra small and one extra large never let them know your next move

  20. They come in different sizes — typically measured by girth, not length. If you don’t know your sizing, buy a small quantity of different sizes and styles so you can figure out what fits you. You don’t want it too tight or too loose.

  21. The first time I ever bought condoms, I ran into my girlfriend’s dad. I panicked and went to another store. At the grocery store they kept them in a glass doored cabinet, so I had to ask someone to unlock it to buy some. I was also 16 and just tried to be cool about it. No one cares. There’s no age limit.

  22. Its okay i went and bought plan b and then a pregnancy test a few weeks later lmao the local rite aid probably thinks I’m wildin

  23. They’re a totally normal thing to buy, don’t worry about it 🙂 you might feel a little awkward the first time you buy them but it gets easier

  24. When i wad young you still had to ask the druggist for them stored behind the counter.

  25. Hi there. 26F here. Normally I just go into a store, and get the Trojan bare skin condoms. Do not keep them in your wallet or pocket for long periods of time, and pay attention to the expiration dates on them. If your partner isn’t on birth control I would still pull out even with the condom on before you ejaculate in case the condom breaks.

    EDIT: Get lube too. Even if she’s wet it’ll help prevent microtears inside her and prevent the condom from breaking. Put some on yourself and her. If you’re doing it with a guy make sure to use lots of lube and prep on your bottom so it doesn’t hurt.

  26. They’re way cheaper at WalMart than at a pharmacy store. Same name brands for a fraction of the price.

  27. If you’re that nervous just throw in a couple other random normal items

  28. When I started buying them, oh my, I bought a whole bunch, plus lubricant, plus massage oil: I really should have used the self-checkout.

    The checkout woman swiped them all and was looking down and doing a kind of trying-not-to -laugh-grin. Then as I took my bags she slowly quipped ‘have a good weekend…’

    so embarrassed

  29. Pick them up off the shelf. Go to self checkout. Pay for them. Walk out of the store with them discreetly in a bag.

    If you’re extra nervous, pick up some candy first and hide the box under the candy on the way to self checkout.

    Nobody will even notice or care.

  30. My 2 favorite condom purchase stories:

    Senior in high school, 18 years old but still not much experience. My girlfriend at the time and I were heading back to sneak into her house and have sex and needed condoms. We stopped at a Walgreens. I set the box on the counter. The woman at the checkout was probably in college. She smiles and says, “I guess we know what you’re doing tonight!”

    I was never nervous about buying condoms again.

    Second story: A few years ago, going to a music festival, knowing there would be a lot of drinking and sex. Stopped at another chain pharmacy. Grabbed a large box of condoms and a bottle of rum. Set them on the counter. The older lady looked at me like I was a killing a kitten. I just smiled and said, “It’s the weekend.”

  31. You should act exactly like what you are: A confident young man taking responsibility for birth control and/or protection from STI’s instead of putting the responsibility all on the young person you will be having sex with.

  32. Honestly just walk in, grab a pack, and buy them. The cashier is not going to care at all😂

  33. Honestly nobody cares, especially if that’s the only thing you’re buying. Some may pass judgement if you’re also buying flowers, chocolates, and wine. 😂

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