Her and her brother are notorious for pulling stupid pranks like this and I’ve been following her tiktok (she thinks i’m blocked on it) so I know she isn’t actually missing. I’m so sick and tired of this girl. She’s crazy. We literally dated for like 3 months and she took the breakup horribly. She is a very unstable and naive, immature girl with a shitton of baggage, but I just couldn’t take the stress of dealing with her and had to leave.

I’ve tried being nice. I’ve tried pinning it on me and giving her fake reasons for leaving.

BUT SHE CAN’T LEAVE ME ALONE. She’s literally insane. I tried blocking her, she calls me from a 3rd party anonymous calling app. I tried silencing incoming calls and she tries logging in to my shit. Email, facebook, everything. Wtf do I do? I hate to be rude to her but this has gotten so out of hand it’s ridiculous.

  1. Ask her to stop or you’ll escalate it legally. If she doesn’t stop, actually do so.

    You’re not being rude. Don’t second guess yourself. You might want to consider changing your accounts and phone number.

  2. I mean have you tried to just completely ignore their texts calls or whatever I mean you can also block their numbers and just not answer I mean like just completely block her on everything then she will literally have no way of contacting you unless she is that crazy and decide to buy a brand new phone and number ?

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