While having sex with my FWB I started my period. I had no idea it was gonna happen as I was expecting my period to come later on in the week.

His reaction seemed okay. I apologized because I felt embarrassed and he said that there’s no need to feel embarrassed and that I can’t control it, it’s no big deal.

It seems like a good reaction but I still feel so embarrassed and am nervous to see him again. I know it sounds silly!

Has this happened to anyone else (guy or girl) and how did you feel?

  1. It’s not ideal in the moment, but as it’s between adults we put it behind us easily.

  2. You should have grabbed him and told him to keep killing the kitty. Murder fetish. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)

  3. I had it happen with my girlfriend when we first started dating. No problem at all, and nothing to be embarrassed about.

  4. Had this happen to me pretty early on. We were just getting started & all the sudden his hand was covered in blood. I was so embarrassed & apologizing all over the place. He just wanted me not to feel bad about it & that everything was fine. If he’s a grown up it won’t be an issue at all going forward. It sounds like he is!

  5. Every adult who is a woman or has sex with women has experienced this. There is nothing to be embarrassed about,

  6. Most guys don’t mind swimming the red river but just won’t drink from it.

  7. That happened once with me ex. He made the joke “dick game so strong I jump started your period”, lol.

    Nothing to be ashamed of.

  8. Happens to everyone periodically (laugh break) and his reaction is the one you should have.

  9. My answer is subjective, but that never bothered me. Even when on her period, it just works like more lube. That’s like complaining that a girl was too wet, lol. I personally don’t believe that exists. Black or red towels are usually nice to have tho.

  10. Most guys have run into several times. Some get freaked out, but most are okay with it. I would take your FWBs at face value.

    If you were otherwise enjoying yourself then I’d roll with it in the future. Throw a towel down or move sexy times to the bathroom.

  11. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Periods are an absolute normal thing… it’s just blood is not shit hahah. Besides. A lot of man don’t even care, with the last guys I’ve been in relationships/dated with, we would just have sex anyways period or no period (in shower or towel under). Obviously is a preference to do it or not while on your period, but I jus say this to let you know than it is not only something that “can happen” and you shouldn’t be embarrassed, but also that is not even something that is not compatible with sex. <3

  12. As long as he knew he was in a vagina, he should have expected it at some point in his life.

    It’s not a big deal. Sounds like he was cool about it.

  13. No worries about this, it happens. If anything he should be happy because he knows he hasn’t gotten his fuck buddy pregnant. 🙂 So that should provide some relief.

  14. I absolutely experienced this! Many years ago, a girl I had just started dating also got her period during sex. I acted cool but I could tell she was mortified. After she left, I never saw her again, so I can only assume she didn’t want to see me because of the embarrassment. The thing is, I really liked her a lot and I still think about what could have been.

    In short, he probably doesn’t care either. Please don’t stop seeing him just because of that!

  15. Yes happened to me like a month into seeing my lady. Not a big deal. Kinda interesting honestly. I suppose it can be “gross” but we’re all disgusting humans anyway lol it’s a very human moment if you ask me. And an interesting experience. Nothing to be ashamed of 🤷🏻‍♂️

  16. Went down in a girl in college in a dark bathroom. Turned on the lights to find blood on the sink, on the floor, on my face and chest and all over her. It was a shock, but that instant moment of embarrassment turned quickly into contagious laughter.

    The plus side is I learned how to identify that sticky moistness and was able to avoid similar messes in the future.

  17. I pretty recently got my period while being fisted, so that was fun. My boyfriend is a trooper though, he doesn’t care in the least about that kind of thing so we just kept trucking and all was good in the end.

  18. When you are young and have no birth control, it’s the safest time to do it. Never bothered me.

  19. It’s totally normal. Will happen to you loads more times in your life so get comfortable with it.

  20. No but I’ve had period sex. He had a great reaction! I wouldn’t worry about it. You have a good man.

  21. it happens its no big deal

    its the guys that make a big deal out of it you want to avoid, your fwb seems like a good one

  22. I actually have joked that if I’m close to getting my period, sex will jump start it. It’s bizarre. It’s happened multiple times and although unfortunate, nothing to be ashamed of.

  23. As a guy I cannot tell you how many times this happened to me. I promise he doesn’t care and is looking forward to the next booty call with you. Don’t sweat it girl, he isn’t sweating it

  24. I had sex ON my period a few times with my former FWB. He didn’t mind it much. It’s just messy, and there’s no foreplay for me when it was that week.

  25. Periods happen. This won’t be the last time. It’s nice the guy was being an adult about it. Really, it’s nothing at all to worry about.

  26. Happened several times over the years. Comes with the territory. Meh. Not like I wasn’t gonna clean up afterwards anyway.

  27. Most normal people are happy to help you clean up, you could even go under the shower together and let him clean you up a little more inside.

    Sex under the shower is a great temporary relief for some women during their period.

  28. Why would you feel embarrassed? I’m a guy and don’t see why you should feel embarrassed by that at all, and it sounds like he doesnt see that either.

    Girls get periods. If we want to play in that sandbox we know there is a risk of getting blood. And its no big deal.

  29. Yes. More than once. I wasn’t phased at all lol. I want to keep going 🤷‍♀️

  30. Guy here. Have had it happen. Didn’t care and wasn’t put off by it. If you’re going to have sex with someone (even just yourself) you’re going to need cleaning supplies because sex=fluids no matter who you are.

  31. There are a few people that REALLY care. If he was one of those he would have freaked out.

    Otherwise, it’s a non-issue. Things happen. Personally, I (M54) would put a towel down and go for round two.

  32. Bodily fluids are a part of sex. A period is part of being a woman. Your FWB said it was no big deal. Let it go and enjoy!

  33. Nothing to worry about, stuff happens, he was not put off, relax and enjoy period sex, has been proven to relieve cramps.

    On a side note, I had sex with a girl while on her period at her house, had a 30 min drive home, OMG, I was covered, underwear, pants…. was great sex to say the least.

  34. Ari Shaffir told me you have to look up to the sky, think about the wonder and glory to God before going soft.

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