A long term 5 plus year girlfriend. We had plans to meet and everything. He doesn’t know that I know. I feel gross for sending sexy pics and engaging in conversation with him. It’s always the charming men. 🥹🥹 met him on Facebook dating. I’m legit terrified now that every man I talk to will disappoint me like this.

  1. A couple of questions:

    1) You’ve been exclusively online for 5 years, and this is the first time you met him? What kept you two apart?

    2) Being terrified is a normal response to a heartbreak. I advise taking some time to recover, and reflect on how you got into this situation. Talk to family and friends to get some perspective. Learn what you want, and then the most effective way to pursue it. Take an active role in your dreams.

  2. Sorry to hear that gurl but yeah shit like that happens all the time. Just don’t get upset for too long and continue dating.

  3. Sorry to hear, lots and lots of crap people out there. I was played similarly at the end of last year by a woman. Nothing you can do but cut him off and move forward.

  4. It’s done, don’t be upset about it or call your phone company see if they can do anything. He’s a lier. Dont share pictures or video chats with guys On datingtes app moving forward until you meet, date, and in a relationship.

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