Hi reddit,

I could really use some advice here. Its a kinda complicated situation and hard to describe. I have broken up with my ex girlfriend of three years about a year ago. We have stayed friends with benefits since and really do care for and have feelings for eachother. She has helped me battle my shitty mental and physical health and get me off the track of suicide. I have done the same for her and always have been there for her whenever she called (I would drop everything and go help her). The reason we aren’t together is she feels she dosen ‘t want to be in a relationship now and wants to experience other people because she is afraid that if we would be together she might regret it in the future.

We have talked about boundaries and came to a compromise on that we are sexually exclusive but we can flirt and make out with other people but we should tell the other when that happens. She has recently found someone she connected with told him about the bounderies and he respects that. They also said that they are both not looking for anything relationship wise and that its just for fun. While I respect all that and am ok with it (or want to be) I still have feelings of guilt/heartbreak/jealousy. My past relationships have always been crash and burn and I have a lot of trauma from my past that im dealing with.


My question is should I end it with her and move on completely cut her off or is there a way to get past these feelings by also going out and looking for a connection somewhere else and see where it goes from there?

1 comment
  1. I’d cut the relationship off. You want something she isn’t willing to give just now. How much of yourself are you going to give before it all becomes too much?

    What if you stick around and then have to watch her form a relationship with someone else that could develop into more than just ‘making out’?

    Fuck being relegated to the sidelines. Get out there and find someone who wants you and only you.

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