I have recently rediscovered my love for hard boiled eggs and marmite on toast for brekkie.

However my boyfriend thinks that marmite and eggs is a weird combination and that I must be the only person that has it. It infuriates me as I believe it’s a classic breakfast that millions of people must have and this is just common sense / knowledge to me.

I have told him multiple times but he does not believe me and I am starting to doubt myself. So would you consider eggs and marmite on toast a standard breakfast?

Edit : he likes marmite and likes eggs just thinks the combination is weird

  1. Love it or Hate it advert is back people!

    You aren’t weird, nor is your boyfriend, it is 50 / 50.

  2. No stranger than adding a bit of salt to bring out the flavour. Try scrambled eggs with Marmite toast or soft boiled eggs with Marmite soldiers.

  3. **I don’t think its weird at all, I’ve eaten that combo off and on for yonks but I will say I don’t like a heavy coating of marmite, and with my 2 runny but cooked, I empty most of the yoke out on the toast and then put a little clump of grated cheese in the egg. with a cup of tea who could ask for more.**

  4. Sounds great.

    Marmite has a strong umami flavour, eggs are a great compliment to that (see: lots of ramen dishes having eggs on top)

  5. We all like different foods. Can we stop thinking eachother’s tastes are weird?

  6. Having marmite on toast is normal (if you like it), having hard boiled eggs with that makes no difference. As for being a classic and millions doing the same, likely not.

  7. I came in here waiting to laugh at everyone’s responses to this and now Im going to have to make the bloody thing this morning as apparently it’s lovely and not the abomination that was in my head!

  8. I usually have boiled eggs like thank, with marmite on toast.

    It adds a really great flavour punch and to me is perfectly balanced.

  9. I’m going to try that.

    Marmite’s a great accent in a sandwich. I love marmite, cucumber, nice mayonnaise and plain crisps or hula hoops. It’s a taste explosion!

  10. Soft boiled egg and marmite sandwich may be one of my favourite breakfasts ever so I definitely don’t think you’re weird

  11. Marmite on toast with scrambled egg on top was what I was cooked when I was ill as a child. Still eat it to this day if I’m feeling a bit run down.

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