Title! Hi all, things are going well but I just wanted to ask this quick question.

I’ve been thinking about this for a really long time and it’s definitely something I want. Personally I’m not too deep in the whole emotional part of sex, but I’m always caring for my partner and would never dare to cheat.

What’s the best way to ask if there is any? I’m straight, but have experimented with guys in the past so if she wanted to add in a guy at any point I’d be 100% ok with it. Again, I completely separate physical and emotional pleasure and every guy I’ve been with has been great.

I just really want to add this into our bed life as an option we can sometimes do and only if we don’t know the person beforehand. Way too scared to bring it up, but this is important that I at least try.

  1. I’m not sure that you’re straight. Sounds like you should tell her that you’re bi and would like a threesome, her choice of other partner.

  2. Sure it’s okay to ask! Maybe start with something like “Hey have you wondered what it would be like…” Listen to her. Talk about what you’ve wondered about. Don’t expect to have it all figured out in that first conversation.

    As far as whether or not you’re bi (from your response to another comment), some people identify as bisexual heteroromantic. For some people, being bisexual is really only about the sexual part!

  3. You need to be really careful. If you’re bi (that’s about who you’re sexually attracted to) and the reason you want to have a threesome is because you miss having sex with men, being honest about your sexuality and desires needs to come first. Otherwise she’s likely to feel insecure and pressured to do something she might not want to do simply because she’s afraid you’ll cheat otherwise and/or assume you already cheated. It’s also just a good idea to know how she feels about gay sex before trying to arrange it. You really should find out how your partner feels about everything potentially involved in a threesome and threesomes in general before specifically asking for one

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