He constantly tells me that this woman was in love with me she had a BF even when he first told me that. I doubted myself I thought no he’s cool and would never lie to me but he did. I told him I knew you were lying and we’re done and that if you don’t respect me and don’t want to be my friend just say it to my face and talk like grown adults. I got in trouble with her BF because of that and the woman was pissed at me(I was friends with her too before). He lied and I straight up told him that.I unfollowed him from IG I restricted him and I lost all respect I will permanently ghost him. I questioned the whole relationship, he never included me in his plans to hang out, he been giving me bad vibes and my body was warning me about this as I can sense bad vibes from people. I don’t want to blame him for getting me in trouble as I was the one constantly trying to shoot my shot and comfort her, but the fact that he lied to me and obviously never even respected me, that crossed the line and we’re done. I blocked the woman to prevent further trouble and unfollowed the friend. I don’t like being lied to. Did I took it to far to unfriend him because of that? Lesson learned watch out who you friends really are they may not be as friendly as you think. Is there anything I could’ve done differently? I’m currently really upset and sad.

1 comment
  1. Maybe you did go to far but what of it? This guy never included you in his plans that’s reason enough to stop being friends with him and then he plays you for no benefit, that’s the worst kind of person.

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