Me (F19) and my Bf (M24) have been together for 3 years.
I recently found out I’m pregnant, and I think I should be allowed to meet at least his parents but he tells me that his parents would disown him for being with someone with history like me; For some context I was raised in a abusive household that caused me to develop PTSD and MDD which I have been working on for the entirety of our relationship, but he has always been embarrassed of me and has never let me meet any personal relations he has, I’ve even let him talk to the people that have abused me my whole life yet I am not allowed to be anywhere near his family. He describes his family as such amazing people and he’s always told me stories about how kind they are and now it just makes me feel unwanted, like I’m not worthy of anything. I moved to California for him and I am basically a 19 year old left alone with no one but my Bf. He is also trying to force me into putting the baby up for adoption so his family doesn’t find out and I’ve been called selfish for wanting to keep my baby, although I’ve already made my decision and I’m keeping this baby no matter what I still want to keep my relationship with my Bf but I feel like if I don’t do it he will leave me and I don’t know anyone so I’d be stranded. I’ve just been hurt my whole life that I can’t recognize between abuse or over-reaction. I love him so much and he has known me since I was 15, it feels like he is the only thing I have.

Honestly please just someone tell me if I’m wrong to feel hurt.

  1. You’re not wrong to feel hurt, but you’ll be seriously deficient in judgment if you stay with him.

  2. I’m so sorry you’ve been through what you have and what you are currently going through.

    He is also abusing you though.

    You deserve better than being someone’s secret.

    Do you live together? If not, I’d bet you’re not the primary partner in his life.

  3. He knew you at 15? Sounds a lot like you got groomed.

    Get an abortion. Don’t bring a kid into this world with a guy who is too ashamed of you to introduce to his parents. Certainly don’t stay in a relationship with him.

  4. you got groomed and i’m so sorry. he is NOT the only thing you have. there are 8 billion people on this earth. i believe you have the strength within you to make a plan to leave him and begin to heal. if you need help let me know, i live in california as well

  5. you are a person that deserves better. you may not believe it but its true. you can leave this man and live a happy and healthy life, you just have to put in the work and make a plan.

  6. YOU are keeping yourself a secret. You have allowed this. Blow this secrecy shit up. Contact whomever or leave.

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