He is 24M, I am 21F. We matched on “bumble dating” 2 weeks ago. 1st date was drinks at a ping pong bar. Clicked a lot. We had a second date 2 days later, drinks at a bar then chill at mine and he slept over (we kissed and he tried to take things further but i told him i didnt want to as im not ready yet and he respected that). 3rd date was the next day, drinks and dinner and he slept over again. 4th date was a day later: coffee, dinner, chilled at mine (we had sex). I then went on vacation for a week and we had our 5th date yesterday: drinks, dinner then he slept at mine (he tried but we didnt do anything intimate except spoon, as im not so ready actually).

Some little things: he makes my bed in the morning when we wake up, he kisses me on the cheek before he leaves, his mother was visiting and she bought him cigarette packs from home as they are cheaper there. He offered me a pack. (we both smoke).

Our next date is tomorrow, we are having drinks, dinner then are going to a rave together (we both are techno heads).

**What do his intentions seem to be? How and when can I ask him?**

  1. Call me crazy but it seems that he likes you, and is respecting the pace at which he is mostly likely thinking you’re wanting to move at?

    We’re not mind readers .. we try and do the best we can.

  2. You’ve had 5 dates in 2 weeks. Looks like you’re dating. You’ve had sex, you can DTR anytime.

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