To the guys here, what would you like your girlfriend to do or things that have been done to you already that made you feel good sexually?

  1. The best ways for anyone of any gender to be good at sex are to be attentive, to learn what your specific partner does and doesn’t like and how to read their personal cues, and to be an active participant. Sex is like a dance. It’s two people’s bodies working together not one person doing everything and the other just along for the ride. Communication is also sexy. Saying when things feel good, offering words of encouragement or guiding hands where they need to go, talking about what you like and asking what they like. It’s also super important to know your own body as well as possible. It’s very difficult to be a good sex partner if you don’t know your own body.

  2. Genuine interest and enthusiasm is 90% of it.

    The rest is asking what your partner likes and being open to trying new things.

  3. Enthusiasm, Respect and Communication. In fact enthusiasm alone is worth it.

    All you need. Anything else is just a bonus

  4. My wife and I talk about what we like in bed.

    We talk about what we don’t like as well.

    Being good at sex has more to do with communication than just about anything.

  5. One of my old GF’s once asked me about my fantasies. I’ve got a fetish for one-piece swimsuits and wetsuits, which most people wouldn’t be turned on by, but believe me, there are *dozens of us!* So I tell my girlfriend about this.

    A week later, she comes round and when we take our clothes off to have sex, she’s not wearing any underwear – instead, she’s wearing a black one-piece swimsuit, just like I described in my fantasy. *Oh my goodness!*

    So yeah, always ask your partner what they love. Ask them about their fantasies, their kinks and fetishes, and then act them out for them.

  6. Be a woman. Be imperfect. Bring your unique personality. Don’t try so hard. Laugh as we learn about each other. Oh and let me play with your hair.

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