My foreskin is too tight,and it hurts really really bad even when i masturbate. And as a result, I don’t enjoy sex.Instead of feeling the pleasure, my penis gets rock hard and it causes pain. I can’t pull my full foreskin back,if it goes back then it gets stuck behind the head of my penis and causes tremendous pain. I’ve had relationships break because of this,not because of my partner but because of me not being able to open up about it. At times i feel really ashamed because of this. Has anyone gone through this? If yes,please help me with the solution. I understand that visiting a doctor is the obvious thing to do, but i am writing this to know anything which might be helpful for me from someone who has gone through it or knows someone who did. Your consideration is much appreciated.
Thank you

  1. Under a hot shower “massage” your foreskin a bit
    This should cause it to be a bit more loose, then pull it back

    Do this several days
    Might be that you just have to stretch up your foreskin a bit

    And always: if it starts really hurting stop!

    If that doesnt help go see a doctor

  2. This is called phimosis. You can check ways to naturally loosen it during a hot shower on Google. There are lot of resources or check phimosis subreddit.

  3. I went through the same thing. First step is to pull the skin all the way back (behind the glands). Second step is masturbating with the skin pulled back until you teach yourself how to orgasm that way. Third step is having your penis partially exposed to your underwear to slowly decrease the oversensitivity.

    I heard that doctors can prescribe a cream to help the stretching process. I didn’t go to the doctor and winged it using lube, if thats not possible go to the doctor (though you should see a doctor regardless).

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