Are there any hated youtubers/social media influencers from your country? If so, who are they and why are they hated?

  1. In some way, I would say that most influencers from Denmark are at least unpopular in the popular opinion; and rightly so.

    It started a couple of years ago, with the public conversation falling on the topic of social media, mental health, advertising and so-on. A couple of big influencers got involved and made their opinions known: ofc. defending the businessmodel that made them rich, but completely ignoring the real and very important arguments of those who criticised them and their business practices.

    It wasn’t helped by, shortly after, big influencers started moving to Dubai—along with many famous athletes—obviously for the tax-benefits and the luxurious lifestyle they could present. This was also, rightfully, heavily criticised in Denmark, as a) it was obvious they did so to get out of paying taxes, and b) the UAE is infamous for it’s reactionary government, for slavery, for authoritarianism, for lack of women’s, LGBTQ, and minority-rights and so-on and so-on. Those moving to Dubai were, are, seen as somewhat trying to ignore or at best to be ignorant of these glaring issues. It doesn’t help the public perception of influencers. This was also exacerbated in the beginning of the recent pandemic, when a group of celebrities and influencers were spotted travelling to Dubai, partying there, and then _returning home_, possibly bringing new variants with them.

    A third issue is how many influencers advertised and endorsed sugar dating. Recently it was a major part of the public conversation, discussing how it was bordering to, or outright, prostitution, how it involved mainly younger girls from perhaps precarious backgrounds and upper-class elderly or middle-aged men, and so-on. The public opinion was swaying against sugar-dating, and it didn’t help the reputation of influencers as a group, when prominent influencers spoke out in favour of certain sugar-dating platforms and for sugar-dating as a thing generally. It is important to note that, like with the legalisation of pornography, the legal status of prostitution in Denmark was _never_ the result of progressive ideas, but rather, was a way for the state to control and regulate sex-work, and to remove it from the hands of pimps, human traffickers and so-on.

    So yea; influencers, not that popular of a group in Denmark, outside ofc. of their fanbases.

  2. Yes, Sam Pepper. For sexual harrassment related stuff. Thats all i can remember about him.

  3. Yes, there’s one particular person who comes to mind: Tim van Teunenbroek. His name social media name was Snapking and he did a lot of stupid stuff, this is a little excerpt of his [Wikipedia]( page (Translated to English of course).

    **”In 2017, he incited his viewers to call in vain to a public number whose call rate of 1 euro per minute he had not disclosed. Because of this abuse, the Consumer and Market Authority ruled that the telecom providers had to refund the collected call charges to the viewers. Van Teunenbroek had 350,000 followers at that time.**

    **In January 2018, Van Teunenbroek changed the name of his YouTube channel to DieTim, aiming to encourage a more positive and socially responsible approach from his audience, Later that year, Van Teunenbroek was given 40 hours of community service after insulting a mentally disabled supermarket employee in a video.**

    **On April 30, 2019, Van Teunenbroek, then 22, was sentenced to 3 months of juvenile detention, 2 months of which were suspended, for, among other things, stalking and assaulting his ex-girlfriend and distributing child pornography. Nude photos and videos and a sex video show his then (2013/2014) underage girlfriend.”**

  4. I mean er, to me, an ‘influencer’ is a pejorative term. I don’t really know any norwegian youtubers.

  5. Not really from my country but from serbia

    Baka Prase
    Just an average annoying pedo flexing his money from copying foreign songs followed by bunch of toxic kids who think he is cool

  6. Mert Armağan, hosting a street interview channel named “Kanal Türkiye” meaning “Channel Turkey”

    In two words: Erdogan troll

    Berated a girl wearing hijab for her religious views, even asking whether she eats pork (strictly forbidden in Islam). He has photos with her fiancee wearing dresses without any hijab and having visible tattoos.

  7. The Italian Youtube scene is one of fights, self-loathing, and cries of plagiarism, so “hated” is mostly in the eye of the beholder, but I can pinpoint a couple that are generally hated:

    -zeb89, he used to be famous for his very opinated videos on videogames, where he reviewed bargain-bin games, but did so in such a manner that he either seemed to focus on the wrong things or seemed to imply he thought there could ever be one kind of FPS ever (read: *Serious Sam*) and games doing otherwise were crap, when he didn’t seem to seriously suggest that anything that wasn’t *Serious Sam* could never be fun like when he did his *The sims* review. He then got involved in drama, minor scandals (such as the time he gave a negative review to a standing fan he had assembled backwards) and other things related to his longstanding self-importance, until one day he up, moved to Malta and started only doing Twitch streams that hyperfocused on giving him money.

    -Me Contro Te, it’s hated for being extremely basic in contents while often appearing in the front page… because they are a channel for children. It is very successful in its target audience, but outside of it, there’s a lot of hostility towards them, especially since there are rumors that the two used to be more “mature” before they decided to cash out sight unseen, and because apparently they have a fanbase swarming videos tangentially related to what the two talked about. It helps most parents, even if they aren’t aware of the Italian Youtuber scene at all, think they are totally empty of good contents and are basically mindless noise.

  8. Snorri99skillz. His schtick was to go and steal from or trash stores while his friend followed him around with a speaker blasting rap music.

  9. I honestly don’t even know if we have any noteworthy YouTubers/influencers at all…

    All our un/likeable meme people seem to be churned out by the tv channel ATV.

  10. Im not that much into the youtube scene anymore but from what i remember Dagibee and Bibis Beauty Palace had a pretty large hatebase

    That was back in 2015 tho and i dont remember the reasons

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