Are you happy about yourself where you are right now in life?

  1. “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage
    to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

    You’ve seen this many times for a reason – the older you get the happier you will be if you take the above statement to heart.

  2. I rate my life B- if I only look at where I am. If I take into consideration where most things are heading it’s an A-.

  3. It could be better. I mean I work, have a roof over my head and food, so nothing really to complain about.

  4. I’m ok I guess. Just wish I had more time to myself to pursue hobbies and interests. I’ve a poor work/life balance.

    More money would help too. As for romance and love I’ve been coming to terms recently with being alone as I get older. Its finding peace in acceptance for me.

  5. Occasionally I am. I try not to cling to that feeling though. Accepting being complacent in the success you have already achieved can lead to stagnation. I don’t want to stop at good enough. Eventually I’ll be at a place where I want and I will finally relax a bit more. I’m just not ready to slow down yet. Also trying to keep my expectations realistic though, because I don’t want to turn into those people who never enjoy what they have / never slows down.

  6. Fuck NO! With COVID restrictions and lockdowns a thing of the past everyone seems to be busy to do anything. Going to therapy too which is a lot of hard work and bringing shit up from the past?

  7. One is not happy about something, one is simply happy. Or not if you’re sad lil fella.

  8. Not really. Not much to complain about, not much to be happy for either, simple as that. Maybe I’ll figure it out.

  9. Everything in my life on paper is good, stable job, young, in shape, loads of friends, degree, low debt, good work life balance, successful and fulfilling hobbies, pretty woman.

    And I am still extremely extremely anxious and sad… most if not all the time /=

  10. Yes but also no. I’m finally starting my career (Marine Corps Officer). It has taken me what feels like an eternity to get to this moment. I’m independent, have a decent amount in savings, and love my job. But the woman I intended to marry left me. She was with me for the whole process, from MEPS to MOS school. Then one day she decided to leave. No warning at all. I guess I was either too blind to see it or she was too good at hiding her problems. Or she just lost interest. Idk. So while I am very excited to start this adventure of mine, I never thought I was going to do it alone.

  11. Not really but then again some of it I can do something about while there are some things that I cannot. Question is are you happy with where you are at? We are often the authors of our own misery and if you want things to change you need to figure out a way to change those things for the better or stew in it.

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