Shit on other people, look down on others, feel superior to lesser human beings, compare yourself more positive towards other men or women in any aspect. Let’s keep it real, stop being nice, this is a dog eat dog world.

This is true if you’re still playing this farce. This very addictive competitive real life video game. Or you can help take this crucial next step as a species and to REALIZE who we truly are, not our thoughts negative AND positives. Consciousness. That’s where true lasting confidence comes from. I recommend Eckhart Tolle on YouTube.

  1. I would argue that confidence is the act of being able to get put up with the shit people throw at you and still keep your mood and good intentions, the world is shit so why not be one of the people who make it better?

    Stand up for yourself and others, so you can help make this world atleast a little more fair 🙂

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