Before I even start I wanna clarify I have absolutely no issue with celebrity crushes, we all have them it’s nothing to get jealous over, but my girlfriend has taken it to the next level recently and I’m not sure what to do, for context we’ve been together a little over a year, so to start she would just talk a LOT about this celebrity which I didn’t think much of because as I said, we all have these crushes, but eventually she set him as her Home Screen instead of me, and began texting people close to her about how he was her “soulmate” and then posted about him on her social media, this did upset me a little I won’t lie, so I tried to bring it up to her and ask if she’d be ok with it if I’d done the same with a female celebrity, she got mad and told me I was being just like her abusive ex. I later apologized and said it wasn’t a big deal, and that if her celebrity crush made her happy I don’t care all that much, then the very next day after I voiced my concerns, she informed me she had made a life size cardboard cutout of said celebrity, I laughed it off and moved on, but today she got a package in the mail. Underwear. With this celebrity’s face on them. I expressed being upset again but she swore she was just gonna wear them as shorts. I don’t know what to do at this point. (This is not the only issue we’ve had recently but it is a big one for me)

TLDR; celebrity crush has spiraled to the point where she is wearing underwear with his face on them, my concerns are being ignored

  1. I had this happen in a previous relationship and it was a signal that the relationship was basically over. If they are spending more time obsessing over a celebrity crush it’s usually a sign that they are unfulfilled in their relationship with you. You talk about about what she has been doing, but what’s happening in your actual relationship other than this? You say this is not the only thing at the end.

  2. Seems like this relationship is all her and zero you. I mean you’re not even important enough to be her damn wallpaper on her damn phone bro. Shoot she prob changed your contact name to his.. I feels bad for you bro…

  3. I think your gf has a problem. At her age this kind of obsessive behavior and detachment from reality is concerning. I think your relationship might be over, it doesn’t seem like she wants to share herself with you, but with someone completely out of her reach.

  4. This person sounds so immature that I don’t know why you’d want to be with them, honestly.

  5. I don’t get why you’re making excuses for her. It’s not in anyway normal to have celebrity crushes like that, if by normal you mean common. All people don’t have them and certainly not at that age.

    What is normal is to be able to prioritize and care for your partner which she doesn’t seem to do.

    You sound like you should care much more about your own feelings and much less about which of your feelings she thinks are valid and not.

  6. I’d say leave her alone. The longer she is obsessed with this celebrity the more ways she will find to disrespect you for not being him.

    If she can’t get a man on that level, that’s her failure. You don’t need to be subjected to that. Where I happen to live, a lot of women are like this

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