I 28f met a guy at a bar where he works 39m. He asked me out and got my number, texted me a ton we seemed to click over text and the phone, but for the following weeks he kinda was iffy about when and where. I eventually asked directly and he was being dodgy so I stopped talking to him. After that he continued initiating texting and asked to talk on the phone a bunch. We talked once on the phone and he mentioned the date again but once again when I asked he was just evasive. It was super weird. Eventually he ghosted me, and although it sucked I told myself maybe he has someone else & I ended up forgetting about it.

We ran into each other again and I kinda avoided him cuz I felt embarrassed, but he came over to me, bought me drinks and was super friendly to me. Later that night he texted me telling me how i looked cute etc. We got to texting again and were talking more about how I am in grad school and so Im living at home right now. At that point he completely ghosted me.

I typically date guys who are a bit older and so they do not seem to care that I live at home as I have plans to move out when I am finished grad school and I help my single mom a lot while I am staying with her. I do feel a bit insecure about it but it hasn’t rly been an issue before as I do have long term goals and am sacrificing for a better future. Do you think he lost interest in me bc I live at home or was he already not interested? He mentioned that when he first saw me he thought I was a lot younger than my age because I do look young for my age. part of me thinks he has a gf so he knows theres nowhere to go now if we were to go on some dates and things were to escalate, but he never said anything sexual. I know it is very much over I guess I am just trying to see what went wrong.

  1. I think you might be right about him wanting a place to go to hook up that wasn’t his home

  2. man he don’t know what he missing, he’ll probably die a lonely death forgotten by the world sometimes later.

    beside, Mom’s dinner are great!

  3. I don’t think it had anything to do with you not having your own place. Right from the start he didn’t seem that interested or he would have done more to move things along.

  4. Pffft, forget about that guy. People forget that we don’t always bump into each other when we are financially at our best or in the best spot. It should be about the person not their momentary situation. If you asked me you dodged a loser and will meet someone who wants to know YOU!

  5. He probably already has a gf or wife and may be in the habit of collecting backup girls for some convenient casual sex when his usual partner is away.

    Hearing that you were living with parents may have put him off if he was one of the types of men that believe women living with parents makes it almost impossible to hookup without parents finding out.

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