I find it very annoying. The kids are from her previous relationship, and he became close to the kids when they dated (father I guess isn’t in the picture for whatever reason). I understand he has remained close with the kids despite the fact that their relationship didn’t work out. Since I’m not in a serious relationship with him nor do I intend to be, I feel it’s none of my business if he spends time with them.

I’ve tried dropping hints, like mentioning to him I don’t want kids, I don’t particularly like kids, they’re annoying, and whatnot. But he still sends me things like videos of them at the playground, photos of drawings they make for him, etc.

How do I politely tell him I don’t give a crap about those kids without seeming like a heartless monster?

TL;DR Guy I’m dating won’t stop sending me pics of ex’s kids. Don’t know how to tactfully get him to stop.

  1. You don’t plan on being in serious relationship with him. It sounds like he thinks you two are more than you do. Don’t just let him on, just end the relationship so he can find someone he can be something more significant with and you can move on to a casual relationship (that sounds like what you’re after) with someone else who knows what it is.

  2. Stop dropping hints.

    “No offense, but I don’t want to be involved in your kids’ lives – including getting photos of you spending time with them.”

  3. Are you incapable of feigning enthusiasm on his behalf for the sake of conversation? How’s this different from like… him sending pictures of himself on hikes to someone who doesn’t like hiking? It’s basic politeness to engage when people share about their interests, even if they are not your interests.

  4. It sounds like they’re pretty important to him

    You’re not being a very good partner if you’re annoyed at your partner sharing their happiness with you

    I understand that you’re probably a little jealous because of the situation but I think you’re being petty

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