Do you ever think about others even though you’re satisfied in your relationship?

Do you have memories about your exes etc?

How often do you see someone on the street and think about them later when being intimate with your partner?

  1. 1) sometimes a thought will cross my mind but I don’t entertain the thought or dwell on it

    2) a memory may cross my mind but it’s rarely a sexual memory and it’s definitely not while im being intimate with my husband. Typically it’s a cringey memory (if it’s sexual).

    3) absolutely never. A steamy scene I read in a book may cross my mind but never someone I saw or know.

  2. I don’t fantasize about people that actually exist whether I’m in a relationship or not. I do not fantasize about my exes, ever. And the most I have ever thought about a random human on the street was to consider missing my ferry to ask them to have a drink with me, which I did not do, and has only happened once in my 39 years.

  3. 1) yes. All the time, all I do is have sex daydreams of sexy dominant men. I read a lot of erotica.

    2) I mean sure I remember them, I don’t think about them though.

    3) I don’t, I will think of scenes from erotica or about porn I’ve recently watched, but not about actual people.

  4. I think about everything. I think about insane improbable scenarios. If someone’s jealousy was triggered by the random static that flits through my brain, that would be an insane life lol. Everyone thinks about other people. Thoughts should be private and sacrosanct. People are allowed to think whatever they want as long as it doesn’t affect you.

  5. I’m not with anyone at the moment but I STILL fantasize and even orgasm in my sleep because of my Ex…

    He was the biggest POS I’ve ever met lol….but my God he was an animal in bed. I’ve had the chance to take him back too, more than a handful of times, just for a one night stand. But I won’t… don’t know where he’s been and I ain’t touching that no more lol…

    But in my dreams I will…. Jesus I hate him lol…

  6. 1) I guess so. Not in like a longing for them way, just like a “I wonder what it would’ve been like with them” or majority of the time it’s “my partner treats me so well.. it would’ve been so horrible if I was with *this other person”*

    2) Of course I have memories with exes. Do I fondly look back on those memories? No.

    3) Never.

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