Hello! Tomorrow A guy (23) and I (19) will be going on a first date, and i’m so nervous. This will be my second real date ever and i’m so scared about it being awkward. Does anyone have any advice for tomorrow? thanks in advance 😸

  1. Make sure you share your location with a close friend or family before you go 😊

  2. Bit cliche here, but just be yourself and don’t let nerves get the better of you. You don’t need to impress them or anything – it’s not a job interview. Just focus on having a good time and getting to know the person you’re spending time with

  3. My advice would be just to be yourself. Don’t try and impress or be something you are not. Be a good listener but also share about yourself. Things will be fine. Just know this – he is as nervous about this date as you. Every good wish!

  4. Im going on a date for the first time 2 tomorrow im hella nervous just know your not alone

  5. Listen intently, make eye contact, speak slowly… if you are awkward, it’s fine, just laugh it off. Try just to get to know the guy better and have some fun! Family, friends, food, music, books, movies… talk about shit like that. Good luck!

  6. I definitely got advice for you. I know it’s hard, but just be yourself. Go with the flow!

  7. He’s probably just as nervous as you in some way or another. Do things to boost your confidence before you go out so you walk into the date with a good head on your shoulders. Laugh off the awkwardness and realize that the stakes are low and you can just let yourself have fun with a nice person 🙂 good luck

  8. Also, if you don’t want to do something, anything, don’t be afraid to say “no” and stick to it. Have fun, but don’t think you are obligated to do anything you don’t want to do. I how it goes well 😊

  9. I was on a first date (with a girl that I’m exclusive with now) and she blushed and smiled and said “you make me nervous” (I promise in a non creepy way lol) and it was the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. Just own your emotions

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