Exactly what the title says, do guys like women who want to be a homemaker or want to have kids and take care of them? I would like to cook a meal for my husband after a long work day or have a clean home for him to come back to. Maybe cause acts of service is my love language but I feel like most don’t really care or what that.

Edit: pls stop private messaging me some of you are really being creepy about this. I guess I’m not trying to be a like the 80’s where woman just stayed home and cooked and cleaned. Cause yes that’s boring. But I would still work just not a lot if children were to come into the picture. I’ve worked extremely hard for my education and still am but it was just a thought. I seem to attract guys who just want to smoke, drink and party all day long. So I would like a hardworking guy who works his ass off like myself. (Probably should’ve led with that but again just a question)

  1. Men aren’t a monolith, so not all guys look for the same things.

    But based on poll data (and my own lived experience- eg myself and most of the guys I know are married to women who stay at home and don’t work / only work part time etc) most guys prefer a traditional woman.

    Although “traditional” means different things to different people, so they may interpret it differently, eg they also expect her to be a virgin etc as well

  2. Some do, some don’t. Everyone has their own preference, and whether what you want is achievable also depends on where you live and his career. For example, if you are living in a metropolitan that’s has high cost of living, and the guy isn’t making 6 figures, he may wish you also be working so that household expenses is a bit easier.

  3. I cannot speak for all men, but I want the woman in my life to be happy whatever she opts to do.

  4. Don’t fall for that trap. I’m sorry to tell u but if you have no job stay home and rely on him you’re screwed. What if he’s an asshole? No money or job to leave him. What if you decide you don’t wanna be with him? What if he dies ? You’ll have nothing .

  5. If that’s you’re love language, cook and clean until your heart desires. Yes, there’s a lot of men that can appreciate that.

  6. My mother was a homemaker. My dad and my mother lived in two completely different worlds. They became so distant they didn’t understood at all what the other side was doing, each living a completely different life with different challenges and different responsabilities. Eventually it broke the relationship. They divorced.

    I don’t want to live that. I want my relationship to be with someone who is experiencing something closer to me. That way we can experience the same challenges and difficulties. I think it makes communication easier.

    If I have kids, I want to be involved as well, as much as she is involved. I think kids are better with two involved parents.

    That’s why I prefer a “modern” woman, a woman that works as well as raising the kids. But that’s just me.

    Addition: I also don’t like the idea that I’m 100% responsible for the money of the family. I won’t know if she still love me or is she just trapped? It would put an enormous pressure on my shoulder. I wouldn’t be able to end things if they go wrong, I would be too devastated to put the mother of my children in that situation.

    You should always let yourself have the choice of leaving. What if his life become a nighmare, lose his job, become violent? You always, always need that emergency button to be there, just in case.

  7. Some men do. Some men don’t. Make sure you find out sooner rather than later.

  8. Absolutely not for me. However, there are tons of posts on this sub by women who are frustrated because they’re being asked to act like a traditional woman by their partners. There’s plenty of men out there who are still looking for that type of role split.

  9. Yes!!! totally!!!

    I mean modern women want traditional men in all aspects. But traditional men we want and are comfortable around traditional women.

    My act of service will be fixing things around the house, and helping you create your own space at home.

  10. A lot of men do like traditional women, yes. Who would say no to having a meal made for you?

  11. Some do, some don’t. Me personally, I just want an equal partner. It’s what I’m used to seeing around my part of the country. Work different shifts, save on child care as you only need someone to watch them during the small overlap. Hell I see some couples that work at the same place will just trade cars at work. The one coming in will drive the kids with them, swap keys, and the one leaving will take the kids home. Pretty cute.

    These same people share household responsibilities. They give eachother incredibly thoughtful gifts. They dump the kids at grandparents for a weekend for a romantic getaway. Everything is done together. Neither one of them has to bare any of the responsibilities on their own.

    Hard to imagine wanting anything other than an equal partnership like that. It sounds perfect. I wish I could find it.

  12. I 100% do but not all men think the same. Plus a lot of men can’t support a family with a single income

  13. You don’t have to be traditional to cook him dinner or make sure the house is clean. I work from home so obviously I spend more time at home and can do more stuff. I usually cook dinner because he gets home at 5:30-6pm and I end my work day between 1pm-3pm so it makes sense that I cook dinner. I definitely clean more than my boyfriend but my boyfriend is the one that cooks breakfast,he also does his fair chair of chores (the ones I don’t like doing lol)

    I don’t do this because it’s “my job” , I do it because I like it and because it makes sense with our routine. That being said,this doesn’t mean my boyfriend doesn’t do anything,this is also his house and he’s an adult and adults have responsibilities.

  14. Yeah I would love a traditional relationship, if the girl is happy to take that role that’s totally fine

  15. Who doesn’t? Do you have a cousin, friend, or sibling who’s like you? Amazing

  16. No, but some will. In todays economy many will want an equal partner or someone to contribute financially to the household just to sustain.

  17. Men want women who work AND act like a homemaker AND raise their kids AND take care of them.

    Men want women that won’t make them responsible for anything except what they like to be responsible for.

  18. Honestly I have that and I wish she’d actually work and contribute financially as well as it’s really hard to support a family of 4 on one income. For me tho her pizza dough is her saving grace.

  19. Girl, I WISH I was like you! Being very career-driven and childfree has probably shrunk my dating pool SIGNIFICANTLY.

    Edit: wording. Didn’t want to put the wrong message across. SAHMs and childfree housewives are great. I just believe that women should have the power to make that decision on their own.

  20. I mean, a meal and a clean house are obviously super nice, but I wouldn’t want someone who just does all that for me out of obligation or “womanly duties.” The idea of a homemaking trad wife sounds disturbing to me, on so many levels, because I don’t want the complete financial responsibility nor do I want to have no responsibilities for cooking, cleaning, kids, etc.

    I’m perfectly happy with the idea that maybe my wife shows love through food, and maybe I do by buying gifts, but it has to be a love through service thing, not a social obligation. I don’t want a wife, I want a partner. I also really struggle to understand men who do want to manage their wives, and I struggle even more to understand the women who want that, but to each their own. It sounds like OP isn’t like that though, which is good.

    Sorry your pm’s are a mess, OP. You said “traditional wife” and even though you meant it differently than full sphere of domesticity stuff, I’m sure the incels smelled blood in the water.

  21. I want a partner i can trust to be by my side and is my equal. To carry the relationship when i am unable to, and will permit me to do the same should they need me to.

    I want a partner who I don’t have to worry about turning away from me when i share the less favorable details of myself, so i can accept theirs as well.

  22. 28(M). I would be fine with that, but I’d prefer if she had a part time job especially if she put effort into her education, it seems like a waste to throw all that away just because she met someone.

    Also, I don’t want kids. Just for that reason alone I figured I wouldn’t be what a traditional woman wanted. I can’t speak for anyone else, but in my experience traditional women are few and far between.

  23. Okay I want a woman who wants to do what she wants to do yes it would be nice if she take care of me but if she wants to not because I want her to she wants to go out and make money she has every right to as long as she’s happy

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