how can i get in a serious relationship with a girl that i’ve been friends for 2 years

  1. You can’t unless the feeling mutual

    If she’s not into you pursue someone who is

  2. “Hey girl I’ve been friends with for 2 years, wanna go on a date?”

  3. Step 1. Face her, look her in the eyes.

    Step 2. Speak this magic spell to her – “Hey, you want to try dating? I think it’d work out great between us.”

    Either she’ll fall under the spell’s control at which point she’ll say something like “Yes” or “About fucking time” or “We’ve been in a relationship for a year and a half, what the fuck are you talking about? Have you thought you were single this whole time? What the fuck, Ben” – be wary of that last one, though, especially if your name isn’t Ben.

    However, if she answers “Aahhh, I have a boyfriend…” or “Are you asking me out in front of my husband?” or “I think of you as a brother…” then the spell has failed.

    Unfortunately, you can only cast this spell once, and never again.

    If it fails, you then have to make the decision on whether or not you want to remain friends or move on with your life. She can’t do anything to influence this decision, it’s entirely up to you if you dwell in the “Zone of Friends” or not.

    If she says yes or whatever, then good luck.

    Seriously, shit ain’t that hard.

  4. Frankly, if she only sees you as a friend, your not going to convince her otherwise mate.

    If you have known her for 2 years and nothing has happened, your most likely permanently the “friend”

  5. You probably can’t. Why are you friends with a girl? Your intentions are clear but it sounds like you wasted 2 years bullshitting.

    This might be “controversial” but you are friends with men, you date women. Heterosexual women really think their heterosexual male friends are just platonic…

  6. Did you like her before friendship? If so, you fucked up.

    I’d rather take the rejection up front then orbit for 2 years.

  7. Tell her you want to try dating

    If she says no, put some distance between you and her while you process that

  8. It depends, habe you been her friend just to seek the oppurtinity to hit on her or did you develop feelings along the way of friendship?

  9. Ask her out on a date (not a friend date).

    1. If she agrees take her out and see how it goes from there. You/her or both might decide to go further. If so keep going on dates and see if it leads to something. Don’t try to rush the process. What can also happen is after the date she or you aren’t feeling it and in that case you move on.

    2. You ask and she turns you down because she’s not interested in you that way. In that case you don’t push the issue any further and move on.

    You’ll also have to weigh is it worth still being her “friend” while you still have these feelings or do you need space away from her.

  10. As a woman, do this…. It’s messed up but I’m pretty sure it will work
    If she even liked you a little bit she’ll be the one chasing you if she doesn’t she doesn’t like you at all or care and that’s why you we’re in the friend zone anyways

    Tell her that you have fallen for her and that you can’t take being her friend it hurts you, because you want more ask to be serious if she says no your just friends cut her off say it’s bad for your mental health because it’s hard since you live her so much. Tell her you’ll always be there for her still what ever that means but that you gotta distance yourself. If she cares about you she’ll miss you and give it a try. Basically threatened to leave.

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